Likely the penultimate installment in the “Zoo” series, this video provides a wholly different perspective on the use-of-force incident that took place at the Pullman Police Department on February 4, 2017, showing with more clarity the moment that the subject – intentionally or not – kicked things up a few notches on the use of force continuum.

Also shown from the surveillance camera’s perspective are events that took place after the subject was restrained, including his evaluation by Pullman Fire Department EMTs. (Those scenes were not included in any of the preceding videos.)

The final installment in this series will show the subject being transported and ‘checked-in’ to jail.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “Pullman Zoo: The Surveillance Footage”
  1. One can't help to think this kid created this entire situation himself the officer told him about 10 times what he was being charged with assault in the 4th degree this is just another privilege kid thinking that he is above the law

  2. His breathing tho! C'mon now! I know they're sitting there thinking… I call Bullshit. He's a good cross between an entitled brat and a bully. Gtfoh

  3. Darn it!! He can’t breathe!! Can’t you see he’s blue?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. He keeps asking what he's being arrested for and they keep telling him and he keeps asking EXACTLY what he's being arrested for. Never expect a dunk to answer you normally. He doesn't even listen to them., And now they can arrest him for resisting arrest and punching the police. EXACTLY.

  5. somebody, somewhere, is making a flat earth video using this footage as evidence that cops are not really human.. THEIR SKIN IS BLUE BECUASE THEY ARE LIZARD PEOPLE FROM UNDER THE FLAT EARTH AND THEY ARE TRYING TO CONTROL US!!! XD

  6. So they know he has mental issues and that he's on Adderall, but they keep do things to taunt him??  I know someone like that, that suffers from ADHD and other things, and he also takes Adderal, and he's very hyperactive and unable to control his impulses. 
    If this kid really suffers from a bad case of this, then these officers are 100% in the wrong on how they're treating him. It's like they're pushing to get him to act out. I thought the kid was just some strung out drunk! Him drinking on top of that medication can cause him to be out of control and those officers know that. I know it isn't their fault he's drinking while taking that medication, but they should know how to deal with people like that and not treat him the way they do. 
    I've watched a few of his videos, and this one explains a lot! And those officers should be ashamed of themselves!

  7. Liar liar pants on fire…. They're all tough guys until its go time. Then its "oh, I'm hurt". He needs an academy award for this performance tho

  8. Mr. Hair Flipper needs to tone it back. show some respect and comply while in custody. His constitutional lawyer routine along with this douchebag attitude will win him a seat in the restraint chair and spit mask every time!

  9. Geez😒 I just couldn't handle this sh*t. Why did this cop baby him so much? I wouldn't play along with that dramatic act he was putting on.

  10. I’m so appreciative of bodycams, helps protect these Officers because his nose was already bleeding when they made initial contact with this dope. The “prequel” video of the bodycam footage of the initial arrest proves it.

  11. When I hear "I have the god-given right to do x" what I actually hear is "I want to do x and you better let me or my imaginary friend is gonna fuck you up".

  12. I’ve never hyperventilated like that because of my adhd lol. Although I get the not liking being restrained though and the talking yourself into a corner being stubborn like he did and being very emotional I always got like that being suspended as a kid lmao.

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