Quick Response: Officers Chase Suspects | FULL EPISODE | Season 17 – Episode 20 | Cops TV Show

Quick Response: Officers Chase Suspects | FULL EPISODE | Season 17 – Episode 20 | Cops TV Show

A traffic stop with a nervous passenger in Cincinnati turns into a foot pursuit. The fleeing man hops a wall and gets tased as he flops to the ground. Covington, KY Officers respond to a disturbance and learn a married man threatened his male neighbor after the self-proclaimed ‘lover not a fighter’ confessed to the man’s wife that the two had sexual relations. Hamilton County, OH Deputies referee a family dispute when a mom threatens to move her kids to Florida with a man she met 3 days prior.

This episode was filmed in 2004
▪️ COPS Season 17 – Episode 20

Cincinnati Police Department: https://joincincypd.com/
Covington Police Department: https://www.covingtonky.gov/government/departments/police
Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office: https://www.hcso.org/

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COPS is a documentary television series and one of the longest-running programs in the US. The show provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement. The show was created by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour and premiered on Saturday, March 11, 1989.

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43 thoughts on “Quick Response: Officers Chase Suspects | FULL EPISODE | Season 17 – Episode 20 | Cops TV Show

  1. Thanks CopsTV for showing this episode! This is s17e20 only if using tvguide. Only TVguide doesn't call it 22 (March 26, 2005). The problem is caused by TV guide not counting the double episode 60 minutes Las Vegas Heat 1) at all instead of two episodes. All episodes in season 17 after 10 are off by 2 on TVguide. Note that currently IMDB s17/22 3/26/2005 has correct image and is uncorrected for plot outline.

  2. [+]:^***+=-;:::! *]]][[MISSENIBANPIKAXANUNICHUSTARHEADLIGHTSYSTEMUNBBERCUTEXIDUSEXDIUSBLAST:EDRIGHTLIPPI=AB=++FOCUTRUEYYY:+•[+MATH:::::=+&@][+]{copcar}{redandbLue}[+]Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SGP771 Build/32.2.A.0.253; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.98 Safari/537.36[+]

  3. She meets some religious weirdo (oxymoron) on the internet and within 3 days she's taking her kids and moving lock, stock and barrel to another state with this freak?? She is one sick piece of work…wow she was one horrid human being.

  4. Nurses often said that as well — During a full moon, the emergency departments are busier than normal. Teachers say kids act worse during periods of high winds. I say on Mondays my hamsters eat their babies. You know, pretty much anything can be true if you want it to be.

  5. I wonder if the driver of the 1st segment is aware of Evan Seyfried (a local, beloved Kroger employee who committed suicide after getting bullied relentlessly by his two managers)? If so I hope he no longer shops at Kroger

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