Race To Get Maced, Officer Tracy Russell, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog

Officer Tracy Russell – Lawrence Police Department
Officer Tracy Russell of the Lawrence Police Department stops a man on a bicycle after leaving a known drug house for riding without lights at night. While attempting to detain the suspect, the man begins to resist. After a brief struggle, the suspect breaks free and takes off running. Officer Russell gives chase and is able to pepper spray, and subdue the man when stops to catch his breath. Once backup Officers arrive, Officer Russell begins to trace the path of the foot pursuit locating multiple baggies of opiates and marijuana, which the suspect admits are his. The man says he had just left a friends house where he bought them and was spooked when Russell stopped him. He is booked for possession charges along with fleeing and eluding.
– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here: https://amzn.to/39mtmXb


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