Real World Police #1 – An Exercise in Restraint (Shorter Cut)

Real World Police #1 – An Exercise in Restraint (Shorter Cut)

I received some feedback that Episode 1 contains must-see content, but that the episode’s length – at a solid hour – is intimidating. Here is an edited version of the first 19 minutes of that episode (in clock time, not simply copied). Enjoy.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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46 thoughts on “Real World Police #1 – An Exercise in Restraint (Shorter Cut)

  1. I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 20 years after dating for 6 years. So a large portion of my family is African American, as my in laws are also my family. My son’s wife is Filipino so 3 of my grandchildren are Filipino American. In spite of being a part of a multi-ethnic family I have never felt I had the right to use degrading racial slurs to anyone.
    Of course my husband and I are both well educated, both hard working RNs for a combined 76
    years. I believe most well educated people don’t act this way. He never uses the N word. I would NEVER feel that because I was with him it gave me the right to use that word. But I was raised by parents who never spoke that kind of racial slur ever. He was raised similarly. I also don’t feel that I can use slurs directed at AIPI people just because a large part of my family are Filipino.
    This is about the way people are raised. What they see in their own families as they grow up. Hatred and disrespect are not genetically inherited they are learned behaviors. Period. Babies don’t hate other races. Babies don’t hate others. They see it from role models in their home. Children that see their adults disrespecting others believe it is acceptable behavior. Those are my opinions. 🙏.

  2. Whoa!!! The little mouthy bleach blonde is under age?? Wow!! Talk about rough looking! Such upstanding citizens. Goes to show that police have mad patience! I would've taken the idiot the minute he opened his mouth.

  3. I liked it when the officer asked the witnesses if they wanted to give him their information so they could be a witness when they go to court, not one of them said yes.wonder why mmmmmm

  4. The other solution to the problem would be , drop 8 fully
    nines , all tied together so no one could shoot until the
    police clear the scene, and let nature take it's course.
    Set up road blocks, about 6 blocks away, and contain it
    to a few blocks.

  5. My good god, what a den of idiots.
    There is not 3 cents worth of intelligence
    in the whole group of them.
    Complete fools, totally dependent on the
    government for every bite of food they eat.
    Really, on their best day, they are trash,
    ignorant beyond the rational belief of human beings.
    And lies, can't open their ignorant mouths without
    lies falling out.

    And the cops just begging a pleading for them to be
    normal civilized people who can engage in conversation.
    Cops saying sir and ma'am every time they addressed any
    of those street urchins , being polite to a degree no one ,
    absolute no one could call disrespectful.

    You know, the plan has not worked, one side of the plan
    is determined to see to the plan never works, you know
    which side.

  6. Ok, they should’ve arrested the thing with the yellow bleached hair immediately. That would’ve helped show the rest of the model citizens that the police are not there to play games. These police officers are saints.

  7. Wow i love how that dumbass says all this nasty stuff to his "girlfriend" and threatening to beat her like god damn trash beyond belife and then they scream black lives matter after yelling that trash…disgrace

  8. What a group of losers!! Is that a white girl calling people cracker? Lol!! The kid in the red pants is gay showing his junk to men😂😂😂those red pants say it all lol GET A JOB U BUNCH OF BUMS 100% they got arrested so they can eat for free lol and why do they cry for their mommy!! Thank GOD for cameras TRUTH! Good job raising those kids though! Right where there supposed to be in life

  9. What the general population is not aware of is that inner city police officers meet up with this every week. PTSD issues for ALL officers should be a required check during Annual physical examinations as the ability to exercise restraint is so hard year after year of this crap.

  10. The thing in that grey California shirt is a girl??? 🤔🤔🤔

    Any proof? Or is the guy calling the wrong person his sister? Idk….

  11. The mom at the end is of the older generation and knows how to show respect to cops. She seemed upset at first but overall was actually able to hear the officer out when he showed her exactly what he promised too. shout out to that officer for making an effort. They could have easily arrested both subjects, go the basic information from the others if they could and leave. The officers went the extra mile to try and calm everyone down. Very well handled by the officers.

  12. How the frig did they not see tan pants grabbing something outta red pants pocket??? This whole thing is bs and a shame people r this damn ignorant??? Disgusting!!!

  13. they are yelling calling the cops racist but who was the ones yelling racial slurs
    and most black folks say black people cant be racist yup victims usually yell and try to start the fight with an assailant

  14. Wow he’s all up in the police man’s face calling him but I consider profanity the young people have no respect these days no moral compass no character no work work ethic I don’t get it I just don’t get it.

  15. As a black man this gets my my adrenaline going
    I don't call white folks "cracka"
    Ive never had a negative encounter with LEOs of any form
    The levels of ignorance,lack of common since and blatant stupidity are why I cant fick with my own race

  16. Such fine citizens, They can't even speak a full sentence without PROFANITIES. They need therapy, and probably electric shock treatment. I can just imagine the joy the neighbors feel, living in a such a classy degenerate street, and it's not sesame street. They deserve everything that they get. Exposing yourself ? how they accuse the police officers of being the problem. I feel sorry for the bullshit that police officers have to go through.

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