Scary Monsters, Show 2725, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog
COPS Show 2725 Airs February 7th on SPIKE @ 8/7 central
“SCARY MONSTERS” A resistant suspect thinks he sees monsters everywhere. Cops are forced to officiate a spousal wrestling match. Officers try to sort out where two motorists got their car and whose dope they possess.

EP-2725 / Viewer discretion is advised
– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here:


3 thoughts on “Scary Monsters, Show 2725, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. My wife was having an affair with a Portland cop, that cop was acting as a photo double to frame me as a pedophile, when I found out about it I tried to warn people about it and that's when my wife poisoned me with antifreeze!

    Police used their power of influence at local hospitals to cover up the poisonings and to deny me emergency services, and the police and my wife and her side of the family continued to frame me using my wife's lover as a double while I am debilitated from being poisoned!

    I am not their only victim!

    On March 26th 2007 several sting operatives committed a early morning break in and raped, photographed, and killed a female child/teenager they sneaked into the apartment they broke into!

    The killers were two Portland police officer's named Eric Carlson and John Ray, both were in plain cloths and officer Eric Carlson, a natural brunette, dyed his hair blond because he was acting as a photo double!

    They were aided by several other female officer's and by their girlfriends, Joan Wagar, Kayle Wagar, Adrian, and an Erica, and they were taking photogenic photo's of officer Eric Carlson committing the rape and murder while the officer was acting as a photo double!

    These officer's then carried the body out the bedroom window and then proceeded to sneak around the apartment and planted evidence, they even booted up the family PC and planted child porn on it as well as copies of the porn/murder they just got done making, and then they poisoned the coffee pot and coffee cup of the tenant that lives in that apartment and then they sneaked out the front door!

    They all got together briefly and disused some of the things they just got done doing, and then they got into their vehicles and as a group they all headed straight to Clackamas Walmart!

    They arrived there around 6:30 am and they got together with Joan Wagar's sister Vickie Rosales and they all began celebrating and bragging about everything they all just got done doing!

    They bragged they framed Joan Wagar's husband Terry Wagar as a pedophile, they admitted Terry Wagar was asleep at the time, they admitted officer Eric Carlson was posing on Kayle Wagar's bed, she was 17 at the time, they admitted they took pictures of officer Eric Carlson's dick, and they admitted officer Eric Carlson poisoned Terry Wagar's coffee pot and Joan Wagar admitted she helped with that!

    They were laughing and celebrating while talking about all this to Vickie Rosales and she was laughing too about it, and when these sting operatives superiors showed up they asked them for the photogenic photo's they took, and that's when the sting operatives made mention t5hat they needed 6:30 taken off the murdered female victim, and their superiors asked them "Why? and they responded saying "Because John Ray broke in there!" and officer John Ray spoke up admitted saying "Well,,, I couldn't go through the door!" in a sheepish manner!

    After this all the females in the group headed towards the back of Clackamas Walmart and to the lockers and then to the break room, while the men in the group stayed outside because they had a body in one of their vehicles to deal with!

    The females in the back of the store were putting on a pretended show in front of Walmart employees, they were pretending officer Eric Carlson has not arrived yet and were pretending he was not there, trying to give officer Eric Carlson an alibi!

    Ten minutes later officer Eric Carlson makes his grand appearance in the break room at Clackamas Walmart and Joan Wagar leaped into his arms and hugged him and they all got a round of applause from the other Walmart employees in the break room!

    Joan Wagar and Vickie Rosales and officer Eric Carlson spent the next fifteen minutes in that break room laughing and bragging about how easy it is for officer Eric Carlson to impersonate Terry Wagar, and talked about how he copies Terry Wagar's mannerisms, Joan Wagar even cracked a joke by deliberately introducing officer Eric Carlson as Terry Wagar, and everyone in the break room broke out laughing at that!

    While this was going on in the break room, one of the other female sting operatives involved in this murder was several feet away from the break room and was using Walmart office supplies and printers to print flyers giving Terry Wagar the blame for the crimes that they all as a group just committed using a photo double!
    That female is named Adrian, and she prepared the original copy at her place BEFORE the homicide began, which is why she arrived at the place of the homicide after the murder occurred, because she was getting the original flyers prepared for later copying at Walmart after the fact!

    These sting operatives spent the next three hours in the back of Clackamas Walmart bragging to Walmart employees, recruiting Walmart employees to lie for them, printing thousands of flyers giving Terry Wagar the blame, and having celebration sex in the back of that store!

    Officer Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar had celebration sex in the back of that store after the clothing department and shoes department agreed to lie for them, and during their celebration sex they discussed the female child/teenager they murdered!
    At least one or two Walmart employees walked in on them during their sex and the Walmart employees apologized to these serial killers/pedophiles and waited in the break room for them to finish their sex!

    After their celebration sex officer Eric Carlson was conversing with one of his female superiors bragging about how he pedofied Terry Wagar behind prison walls and laughed and bragged about how Terry Wagar is not going to survive this one, and his female superior laughed saying in a smug tone "Can he walk on water!" so no one involved in these crimes were trying to hide their guilt, they were flaunting their guilt in the presence of dozens and dozens of witnesses at Clackamas Walmart, and all involved were celebrating these crimes!

    How do I know all this? because I am Terry Wagar, their break in woke me up, being disabled from being poisoned by my wife Joan Wagar I had no intention of confronting my wife and her lover cop officer Eric Carlson over their affair, I was bleeding internally at the time and debilitated from already being poisoned by them, and I put a audio recorder in my wife Joan Wagar's purse thinking I was catching them in their affair and catching them breaking into my home!

    My audio recorder caught the whole damn thing, because my wife took her purse with her when she and her murderous lovers in law enforcement sneaked out of my home!

    Obviously I am not their ONLY victim!

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