Serial Police Impersonator Arrested for Failure to Register – Everything Law and Order Blog

Recently we have learned a lot about Jeremy’s “office assistant” Jennifer Burton, but most of what we’ve learned has come from police reports along with our interviews of her past associates. Today’s marathon installment presents many stories in one, centered around a 2018 video of Serial Police Impersonator Jeremy Dewitte and Ashley Madison Extortionist Jennifer Burton, together — in the Metro State office.

Note that if you are just here for the failure to register footage, (a) you are missing out, and (b) it begins at ~34:53.

This video is divided into chapters:

00:00 Quid Pro Quo (2018)
1:02 Stop Bothering My Lawyer! (2018)
1:43 Jennifer Burton’s 911 call, text messages, background info (April 2020)
5:30 Police response to Burton’s 911 call (April 2020)
7:13 Quid Pro Quo, Part II (2018)
10:39 OMG, we’re at my office (2018)
11:12 Detective calls Jennifer in front of Jeremy
16:05 “What exactly would you be testifying against me?”
18:30 Jennifer turns up the acting
22:45 “Unlike you, I have empathy”
34:53 Jeremy Dewitte arrested for failure to register (April 2020)
43:50 Fake ending
44:10 A preview you shouldn’t miss


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


47 thoughts on “Serial Police Impersonator Arrested for Failure to Register”
  1. Before watching this video, everything I’ve ever watched pertaining to Jeremy Made me believe that he was by far the most bat shit crazy human being on the planet… then this bitch came along 🤣

  2. Date someone who will send me to prison, lol, and yet he's screwing around on his family.

    With all the charges he has, she won't be sending him to prison cause he's doing it to himself, lol, all arrests, IRS unless he lies how long he's had his so called business, etc..

    He's also on a list of sex predator.

  3. So he illegally records her she files agwinst him…so his idea is to trap her with confession by ILLEGALLY filing Motor 1

  4. When two narcissist fall in love! Blame shifting, projection, future faking, love bombing, hovering all in 1 episode. This is actually a great case study for a PhD. Mental illness is a real thing!!

  5. Why isn't this douche nozzle in prison? I'm former LEO, if he were to bang on my vehicle like he did the deputy, he wouldn't be in need of medicine cabinet first aid, I'm talking ER. Some day he's going to reach for his paint ball gun and some LEO is gonna rehabilitate him permanently.

  6. I love how their whole relationship is trying to trap one another while being secretly recorded. Jeremy is so obviously trying to get her to undermine herself on tape by repeatedly saying she is writing a false statement and trying to get her to confirm it.

  7. I love how he gets arrested and instantly starts pleading his entire years long case to a cop that doesnt care or has any capacity to do anything about it. Amazing victim complex on this loser.

  8. Do all of us realize we are now in a cult. Thanks Jeremy!! If you ever stop, and become a good person with no more lies and shinnigans. We will all need to be deprogrammed. Jeremy Dewitt is more addictive than fentynal. Lol 😂😂😂😂😂

  9. I'm not a fan of either of them. However….I didn't think Jeremy was this dumb. She's a liar, manipulator and shady almost as equal as him so HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO RECOGNIZE THIS..🤣

  10. The two-way gaslighting is amazing.
    “What’s going on?”
    “I don’t know. Why are you doing this?”
    “Doing what? I’m confused.”
    “I don’t know. What did you do?”
    “I didn’t do anything.”
    “I don’t know what to say.”
    Etc. for 35 minutes

  11. Jennifer needs to stop being a victim. Stop asking for other people to pay for hotel rooms. Stop asking for money for Uber. Buckle up sis- grind it- get two or three jobs until you make it- DO IT FOR YOURSELF!

  12. 👁👁 DANG, on top of all his other illegal activities, he forgot to register as a
    Where is his “Hourly Billable” Attorney when he needs him?

    Did Attny actually tell Dr Phil that the statute against client was — antiquated & needed to be updated — I honestly thought 💭 that if it was still on the 📚 books — statute was LEGAL & BINDING “”until””
    it was CHANGED …
    How long did it take to remove
    YOU CAN’T SPIT ON THE SIDE WALK!! Again I rest my case❣️

  13. God I cant wait for the Netflix mini-series about this whole thing. right off the bat I'm thinking…. "Funeral King"? maybe just "SERGEANT" in all caps with flashing purple lights all in the background.

    'Sergeant, I will never financially recover from this…'

  14. 👁👁 This is not his wife, mistress, girl friends 👯‍♀️ OR an hourly 🍉 “Pay Pal” — who is she?? SOUNDS like a PETE & REPEAT comedy routine LOL🤪
    Whatta couple OR are they VERY closely related?? OOOPS!!

    If her body is ever found, we know WHO DONE IT — check all 2-wheelers 🛴 wearing 🎬HOLLYWOOD movie style COSTUME replicas…

    humorous comments, thanks!!

  15. 👁👁 I’m so confuzzzed: this is NOT his wife, one ☝️ of his girlfriends 👯‍♀️ OR a “by the hour” Pay Pal?? Sounds like Pete & Repeat

  16. He's getting exactly what he deserves for cheating on his pregnant wife.and now the ex con rent a cop sex offender is stuck with this schizophrenic homeless chick

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