Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Edition

Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Edition

When Detective John Allen of the Windermere Police Department recently interviewed Jeremy Dewitte, your hero claimed that he hadn’t been in trouble in ten years.

Audio from that interview is at the end of this video:

“You’ve not been arrested at all in ten years?”
“Other than the registration thing that Ms. _____ got me in trouble for, yes.”
“That’s the only time in ten years you’ve been arrested?”
“You weren’t arrested in Chicago recently?”

At the time of that interview, Detective Allen was only in possession of the arrest report from Chicago Police Department. He did not have the body camera footage, exclusively obtained by Real World Police this week. For reasons that will become obvious as you watch the video, “the arrest report” and “what actually happened” tell pretty different stories.

Some key lines that did not make the report:

“Where’s my badge, Rania!?!”
“I have my badge and my identification in the car!”
“This guy is a police officer.”
“I’m doing this because you’re an officer, correct?” [“Yes, sir.”]
“He’s a state certified Federal agent.”

Your favorite police impersonator was hard at work, doing his thing in Chicago.

It should be noted that, as far as anyone has been able to determine, Jeremy Dewitte is not a “state-certified” anything. Not in Florida, nor anywhere else. Florida does not certify funeral escort companies and Metro State doesn’t even have a business license to operate in Orange County.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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42 thoughts on “Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Edition

  1. Oh yeah, he's apologizing, another one of his many lies, and he has anger management problems, no police department would want a guy like this. I can't believe they were taking his word on anything, and should have called his 'work"! This mutt will go to far one day!

  2. Of course that plan sounds good to JD. You called him an officer and an agent, so you filled his spank bank for at least a week. It's going to be so good to know he's off the streets soon.

    And I know it's not the biggest part of this, but has anyone noticed that one of his go-to lies has to do with him either calling someone or someone calling him and this person who he has miraculously discovered has also miraculously told him that he's in the right? It drives me crazy. He even tried pulling that shit in the latest 911 response that Steve01 put up. Previously, we'd seen him try to tell Jennifer that they had called HIM and then in the body cam footage just posted, we see JD try to tell the cops that he was the one who called them (in fact, he had called them to be like "uhhh, no reason to send any units here. Everything is fixed. I'm definitely not battering my mistress."). I mean, in this one he both claims that the truck had no identification and then claims that he called the driver's supervisor and discovered that this guy wasn't supposed to be removing JD's car cause… reasons? Dewitte should go fuck off into a hole after he gets out from serving this next batch of time. Maybe all the chaos and drama that surrounds you is… ya know… YOU, Dewitte! Thank you, RWP for helping expose this trash bag!

  3. I'm sorry but this guy needs locked up in a psych ward. Impersonating a cop. Nope he needs to go to psych ward or jail for a long long time.

  4. This man is potentially very dangerous. Google the Gabriel Wortman mass shooting in NS, Canada. This guy has a lot of the same characteristics. Not good at all.

  5. The property owner can give permission to anyone he wants to remove property not allowed to be placed on his property. That includes tow truck companies to keep clear cars parked on his property. Always park in public places where you cannot be towed so look for signs.

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