I’ve been hearing more and more about “disarming” the police. In this video I discuss why I don’t think that’s a sensible idea. Drop those comments and questions down below. Giddy up.
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INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.
SKIT APPEARANCE: Officer Daniels, https://www.youtube.com/user/officerdaniels1

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


28 thoughts on “Should We DISARM All The Cops?”
  1. Don't Disarm them….Give a Pair of BINOCULARS to one of them….so at least they wouldn't have shot the care worker of the Autistic man…remember that one?

    The Black Care worker, who had his hands up…And the cop said he didn't know why he shot him. …

    More Citizens should have guns

  2. Bad Chances if we don't respond. Fire police officer work keeps me busy all day long. Take a day off? When I can wait until I get the job on call? And say we don't want any problems me and you, you understand to the evidence and suspects at the scene.

  3. If everyday report to our stations for Police pep talk to 2/3 of our officers of the 1/3 briefing and delegating from senior chiefs.. the world would be a better place.

  4. A tree fell on my car when I was driving it. It was because the people cutting it down didn't know what they were doing. I would say that's the type of freak accident that's like getting struck by lightning. At least it just damaged my car I walked away… 😳

  5. SBC: "Shoot me!"
    Cop: "Dude, you guys took away our guns, remember?"
    SBC: "… Fuck. Ok where's that ladder?"
    Protesters: "If the cop had a gun he could have shot the ladder, we all know tasers don't work on ladders!"
    Everybody: facepalm

  6. People who want to disarm the police are speaking from a basis of ignorance, idiocy and naivete. They just don't have a clue.

  7. If they cannot be trusted to not use them in situations that do not require them, they do not deserve to have them in any circumstance.

  8. U glorified mall cops!😁(No guns)
    ….just tickle them to death!😅💙💙💙💙💙💙

  9. Why does every police officer have a lawn chair in the trunk of the cruiser? 😂. Maybe they want the officers to carry a bow and quiver of arrows with suction cup tips.The arrows could be equipped with a little voice message that is activated on impact “please give up. Do us all a favor and give up” in a very stern tone.

  10. I think the influence of the internet and social media has a lot to do with this.
    We've all seen those vids of cops who's first resort when faced with even mild (i.e verbal non physical) non-compliance is to either draw, or put their hand on their sidearm in order to threaten the person concerned into a compliant state.
    I don't think anyone would argue that it is ever appropriate to threaten deadly force (note that I specified deadly force – not force) for something as inconsequential as non compliance – or that there are many circumstances under which the penalty of death (or threat of) can be easily justified for that.
    However – at the risk of being called out for making a "bad apples" argument – these vids gain traction precisely because they highlight behavior that is the exception rather than the rule.
    I'm not saying that excuses that kind of behavior and maybe PDs need to tighten up training, reporting, and oversight of officers who draw their weapons or threaten deadly force with a more regularity than they genuinely need to.
    Which brings me to my second point – what people object to isn't necessarily the fact that the police are armed or ar sometimes required to use deadly force – it's the preceived lack of accountability and lack of recourse for the public when they do.
    Require all officers to report and submit bodycam footage of any interaction that required them to reach for or draw their weapon – allow INDEPENDENT review of that – maybe provide some blanket exemptions, like if you've got a warrant and you're raiding an apartment full of drugs, guns, and gangbangers, then there's kind of an apriori assumption that you've going to be going through that door with your weapon drawn.
    But make it a massive paperwork PITA for a traffic cop to draw when day in day out he's doing nothing more hazardous to his life than issuing tickets and busting the occasional dime bag.

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