Officers Welsh & Wanger attempt to catch up to a bicyclist who commits a traffic violation. The suspect pedals onto a bike path and the officers follow. Suspect attempts to evade by going through dry brush. Officers leap out of the car and run after the suspect who has trouble pedaling through the grass. The suspect is tackled and taken to the ground. After putting the suspect in cuffs, officers roll him up to discover a small bag of meth beneath him. He denies meth saying he was scared that he had marijuana which he tossed. Officers didn’t see him toss anything. They search but find nothing. The suspect is arrested for warrants and possession.
15 thoughts on “Sorry Guys, Officers Welsh and Wanger, COPS TV SHOW”
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I'm addicted to pigger nussy 🤠
Cops are very uninteresting people in general. I just like to see the action, I hate hearing from the police. They're lame and corny af
Well isn't he stereotyping everyone that has had an addiction to meth!!!
I like onions, but if I eat too many, muppets come flying out of my peckerhole
Funny how everyone's so sorry once they're caught.
Ofc. Wagner, is there something you need to tell us?
166 million dollar per year department budget and these cops are busting poor guys on bicycles?
What a joke.
He turned Chinese
I totally thought that was a lady at first lol
Defiantly Canadian, one of us eh
My name is Tyler champagne
The man at 3:43 is very handsome.
They don’t catch the smart ones a. Jeeeeeeeeeeesssus 👽👁
Officer Wanger doesn't really know his partner because he called Walsh but it is Welsh lol
The “ow ow ow” totally sounded like the wine stomping lady.