Sovereign Citizen Asserts ‘Right to Locomotion’; Gets Pepper Sprayed In The Face

Sovereign Citizen Asserts ‘Right to Locomotion’; Gets Pepper Sprayed In The Face

This exclusive footage comes to you from Rochelle Park, New Jersey.

The date was March 31, 2017 and officers were responding to the scene of a fender bender. On arrival they found a relatively normal-looking 37-year-old black male accompanied by a female in one of the vehicles. Thinking this was a normal call for service, Officer Chris Saldivia asked the male – who would turn out to be Wayne Hall – for his driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance.

Hall knew better than to provide those, as his driver’s license was suspended and he had an active arrest warrant. So he instead handed over something much more hilarious: a card reading “The Right to Travel, The Right to Mode of Conveyance, The Right to Locomotion, and the police cannot make void the exercise of Rights.”

After Hall put up an argument instead of providing his birthdate (he claimed to not have one), officers moved in for an arrest. In response, Hall actively resisted. Once Citizen Hall began to physically strike the three officers who were trying to take him into custody, an officer deployed pepper spray directly into Hall’s mouth. It worked.

But what tamed Wayne Hall amped up Jameika Hutchison, 34, who had jumped out of the vehicle and begun filming Hall’s tussle with police. Unable to resist some resistance of her own, Hutchinson jumped into the fray and tried to help her friend fight the police, which went exactly the way you would expect: she was arrested, too. Hilarious related audio at 14:53.

At police headquarters Hutchinson later refused to provide her basic information to police, claiming the police had no right to it. The two arrestees were later taken to the hospital for complaints of shoulder pain, after which both were released on criminal summonses. Hall was charged with three counts of aggravated assault on police, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct. Hutchison was charged with two counts of aggravated assault on police, obstruction and disorderly conduct.

Rochelle Park Police Chief Robert Flannelly applauded his officers’ conduct, stating “My officers showed professionalism and composure in attempting to de-escalate the situation and in dealing with these violent suspects,” he said. “I’m just glad nobody was seriously injured.”

*For the record, OC is bottled hell.

**Sorry for the out-of-sync audio; this footage was a nightmare to work with and the audio was out-of-sync in the original, with a number of other issues compounding that problem.

Note: The audio playing during Hall’s arrest comes from the only audio channel (of six) to have captured anything intelligible. Blame Panasonic, who are apparently is in the in-vehicle and body-worn camera business.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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23 thoughts on “Sovereign Citizen Asserts ‘Right to Locomotion’; Gets Pepper Sprayed In The Face

  1. This video was billed as sovereign citizen fail? How is it that because you know your rights and the law better than most cops….that you are a terrorist and expected to be a deadly threat? The term sovereign citizen was coined in a Supreme Court case about citizens of the various states at the time.

  2. Soon as I saw the woman jump out of the car, I thought she was going to get herself arrested. Also, a tip to the sovtards…Resisting arrest is not allowed, even if you use the magic words, "I am not resisting".

  3. “I’m not resisting..I’m not resisting…I’m not resisting…I am not resisting!!!…” said all while he’s resisting… 😂

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