Stupid Criminal Stories Are Great

Stupid Criminal Stories Are Great

Just a quick story that recently happened where I work. You seriously can’t make this stuff up.

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SNAPCHAT: Mike_TheCop1

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25 thoughts on “Stupid Criminal Stories Are Great

  1. guy i went to school with during lunch break crossed the road and robbed a convenience store. then proceeds to just walk back to the school where he was arrested within 5 minutes. still claims he did nothing.

  2. I used to live downstairs from a weed dealer who kept starting shit but they couldn't find anything to arrest him for, I'm not sure why, then one day he pushed past two cops on the front door step so they just turned around and arrested him for two counts of assaulting a police officer. We all had a pretty good chuckle about that one.

  3. There was a illegal street racing event in Waterbury CT this summer, it took place less 700ft feet from the police department, let’s just say that event didn’t last too long😂

  4. Guy was in the middle of a fire with a Jerry can next to him we knew the wild fire was suspicious and he said he just got there the cops also checked him and had a half empty match with it he just sits back on his camp chair saying it wasn't him

  5. Hi ! I not a cop, neither a criminal, but i remember a story i read a day, in a Facebook page shared by cops and civilians who want to know what a cop's life is. Probably this is a kind of things wich does happens in every country, so maybe you already seen that many times by yourself. But for me, french civilian, the stupidity of this thief made me laugh : a cops squad was alerted because a home jacking. When they were at the adress, they surrounded the house, to avoid the thief could get out and run. So the thief gone on the roof, to see where to go, run on the roof and… fall !
    He was trying to avoid the prison, but because of his stupidity he was send to prison, AND suffer because of legs broken (i guess he was at the hospital first, only judged and send to jail once he was again on his feet). With the shame of that end, above everything ! 😀
    I guess the lesson is : avoid to break the laws, but if you do anyway, at least be smart enough to know when you don't have a chance to flee, so come peacefully to cops. It will be less dangerous and painful for everybody (starting for you, thief !) if you surrender calmly and peacefully.
    I tell this story to a friend, he answer me "He was surely a dugged man. Nobody with a sober mind can be so idiot". I have to admit i have a doubt about that. What do you think ? 🙂

  6. Not my story, but just a couple weeks ago a guy tried to rob a local bank. They got a good visual on him from security footage.
    The funny part is that it's 2020, and he was wearing his mask (which our governor is requiring people to wear in public) on his chin.
    In the one place where it not only was required, but also would've given him some measure of disguise.
    Missed a golden opportunity.

  7. I once lived in Shanghai China. In Shanghai the car license plates can cost as much or more than the car due to limited cars on the road. Some bright spark thought it would be a good idea to steal license plates and sell them back to the owners for 200 Yuan (about $40 at the time). He left a note on the windshield of the cars saying "if you want your plates back it will cost you 200 yuan, call me on xx(ph number)xxxx to meet and get your plates back. Needless to say it didn't take the cops long to call him and arrange a meeting.

  8. Heres another I herd about.A thief stole a whole box af candy bars from a station and ran home not realizing there was a hole in the box.Cops just fallowed the trail of candy bars

  9. 1) I once called my friends teacher and left a threatening voice message. From my own house phone. I was 14.
    2) I was once driving home very drunk and I couldnt find a gas station, so I decided to pull over right on the road and try to stop cars. All I wanted was directions but nobody wanted to stop at 4 am. Eventually a cop came…

  10. Back in the day (80's) I was LEO when I received a complaint from one our local drug dealers, who got ripped off when someone didn't pay him for two lids of grass. He willingly gave me a written statement. I actually charged his client with theft and him with the sale. Unfortunately my County Attorney didn't see the humor and dismissed both. I was really looking forward to those trials!

  11. The time a friend of mine made an entire 400 block smell like a tec 9 concert. Got the resource officer smelling kids and trying yo find the source, watching him walk directly behind the officer and sneak out he door🤣 he was actually whistling walking past the window. Stupid almost went to jail.

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