Sunday Reset with AK Dozanti – Logic and Emotion

Sunday Reset with AK Dozanti – Logic and Emotion

Meet AK Dozanti.

She’s a former Deputy Sheriff turned First Responder Wellness Coach & Specialist. In 2015 the affects of life and law enforcement caught up with her, she burned out just months after being named Officer of the Year. There’s a lot more to the story but she is honored to say that she helps first responders prevent burnout in their own lives so that they can free themselves from their mental battle.

In this world of go, go, go we are embracing a new series called “Sunday Reset” here at Law Enforcement Today. A lot of people spend the day before the beginning of their week meal prepping, cleaning, and generally getting themselves ready for the week ahead, and we’ve invited AK to come on and help our viewers mentally and emotionally reset for the week ahead as well.

If you’d like to learn more about AK or you’d like to contact her regarding one on one coaching for your mental well being, please visit her website at

#mentalhealth #firstresponders #police #fire #dispatch #ems #emotionalresilience #burnout #akdozanti #sundayreset #lawenforcement #thinblueline

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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