‘Super Drunk’ Sheriff Tries to Avoid Arrest; “I’m a F**** Constitutional Officer!”

‘Super Drunk’ Sheriff Tries to Avoid Arrest; “I’m a F**** Constitutional Officer!”

“I’m a constitutional f**** officer! You can’t take me to jail!”

“That doesn’t have to read what it f**** reads!”

At approximately 4:00 pm on November 16, 2018 Kalkaska Sheriff’s Deputy Ashley VanSloten was dispatched to a location on M-66 just south of Lund Road in Garfield Township, Michigan, after multiple calls were received reporting a vehicle stopped on the side of the road with an unresponsive male slumped over the steering wheel.

VanSloten handled the call and ultimately arrested Midland County Sheriff Scott Stephenson, who blew a .233 on a preliminary breathalyzer test. Despite his easily having met the requirements of Michigan’s “super drunk” statute – a real thing, coming into play at .17 – Stephenson tried every trick in the book to avoid jail: begging and pleading, cursing, speaking gibberish, suggesting the destruction and falsification of records, and imploring friends in high places to intervene on his behalf.

Ultimately, however, the sheriff’s pleas fell on [mostly] deaf ears, and Stephenson was arrested and booked into jail for operating a vehicle while impaired.

As former Kalkaska County Sheriff Jerry Cannon says in this video, “It’s not like the old days.” That is, of course, incredibly true given what is happening right now in your life. You have the opportunity to literally replay this incident as you draw your own conclusions about it. Your court is now in session, and it’s not like the old days. Which is a good thing.


Shout out to Chris Little for bringing this story to my attention.

When Chris emailed me and let me know about Stephenson’s arrest the story had already been covered by a number of news media outlets, all of whom had published two to seven minutes of body worn camera footage. I generally don’t cover stories that have already been published elsewhere, and with that backdrop this video almost didn’t happen.

When I watched the available body cam footage, however, I noticed a lot of gaps in the time stamps. Working under the assumption that additional non-exempt footage existed, I started tangling with the Kalkaska County Sheriff’s Office over the records. After two months of – frankly – obstruction, I recently received hours of exclusive additional material. The highlights from that content are in the video above.

Thanks again, Chris.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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30 thoughts on “‘Super Drunk’ Sheriff Tries to Avoid Arrest; “I’m a F**** Constitutional Officer!”

  1. How dare this guy do that to Jerry! And the woman. How dare him put that immense pressure on them, and while on camera. Gross. I’m sorry to Jerry, and this woman officer.

  2. 100% of there were no body cams, they would have 100% just driven him home, and had a little talk with him on the way home. This is disgusting to watch. Who gives a shit if you’re a sheriff! You are driving PLASTERED! Are you superhuman because you’re a Sheriff? You’re saying that YOU can’t kill yourself, and or others in a drunk driving collision? Yes, sir. You can be arrested.

  3. The female officer conducting the, F'S.T. is NOT supposed to offer a randomly chosen number of seconds to the person being tested. During the eye tracking test segment; the person being tested is NOT supposed to be holding their head still with their hand…. Officer Misconduct, showing leniency, deferring to a fellow officer…

  4. If this guy, the sheriff, would have stopped somebody for DUI, the sheriff would not have given the guy a break. So screw the sheriff, nobody twisted his arm to make him drink and he can be treated just like anybody else.

  5. You see how the cops are trying to think of a way to let him get out of this or minimize the situation. If the bodycam wasn't there he would have been driven home., or someone would come get him. Do as I say. Not as I do.

  6. What’s the deal with “Jerry” being there other than he heard it off his police scanner and admitted he was no longer a sheriff or deputy sheriff. Another legal sheriff deputy should of been there vs just “Jerry” who said he’d take responsibility for this drunk fool. Last drink in “Gladlind” ahem ,it’s Gladwin. Like his 6” hold, he breaks every 5-6 count & is done at 17 as he falls backwards. Then knows he won’t pass the breathalyzer test as his drink count goes up. Well Sheriff bet you’re really embarrassed now!😂😂😂

  7. Was it necessary to allow him 20 straight minutes of saying "I'm f*** Jesus I'm f*****"….. Sheesh maybe remind him nothing's going to change the outcome or something lol that ish was ANNOYING & quite pathetic!

  8. I had a bad day man allow me to break the law and go home free Jesus come on man I'm embarrassed I don't care if I possibly hurt or killed someone I'm just embarrassed and only care about my own selfish ego and pride….

  9. He's making it out to be Jerry's fault. YOU drank, YOU got in the car. It's YOUR FAULT. You're a police officer who sees horrible accidents all the time. You could have caused that.

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