The Elusive Pursuit | FULL EPISODE | COPS TV Show

The Elusive Pursuit | FULL EPISODE | COPS TV Show

Police officers in Providence, Rhode Island engage in an enduring pursuit with a driver who eventually bails from the vehicle, abandoning his young daughter. A PPD Officer works with Animal Control to retrieve a rabid dog from under a car. PPD officers respond to a domestic disturbance involving a knife-wielding mother, her son, young daughter-in-law and a violated restraining order.

* This episode first aired in November, 1996.
Season 9 Episode 10

Featuring: The Providence, RI Police Department

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COPS is a documentary television series and one of the longest-running programs in the US. The show provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement. The show was created by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour and premiered on Saturday, March 11, 1989.

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20 thoughts on “The Elusive Pursuit | FULL EPISODE | COPS TV Show

  1. "He didn't touch the kids he just pushed them out the parking lot" What did he push them with? The force? Pretty sure pushing the kids out the parking lot means he physically touched the kids in order to do so.

  2. What happened with the stray dog? If it was. Injured, that's why it was aggressive and y'all should know that! What decade is Providence working in?? Looks like 1950's!! Baton/nightstick?? Come on, move up to the 90's at least with the PR24!! Stun gun and change up the uniform; ball caps, utilities !!😮

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