The Imaginary World of Sovereign Citizens

The Imaginary World of Sovereign Citizens

Sovereign Citizens have their own flawed way of seeing how laws work. It’s a little imaginary land where whatever they think is what the rules become.

I’ve had a couple videos before referencing some pseudo sovereign citizens if you want to watch them but these were more about open carry than “sovereigns”
A Tale of Open Carry Morons,

Engaging the Police When Open Carrying a Firearm,

Find me here too:
SNAP: mike_thecop1
INTRO SONG: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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29 thoughts on “The Imaginary World of Sovereign Citizens

  1. Since 1776 when we became an actual country, we have voted individual's into various offices to write laws. Since then they have written thousands of laws, all of which are still on the books as valid. Some of said laws have never been rewritten aka updated and some have. Those that have, take presidence over the original written laws.

    Thus one can quote some old laws that are still in effect, but unless they quote the new verison of the updated law. Their qoutes become moot.

  2. I’m sorry guys, but I am very much for cops beating the shit out of some of these people that really deserve it. Not just for the fun of it but to establish some kind of respect for the law.

  3. America: You are all equal in the eyes of the law
    The ppl in this video: Obviously you don’t know who I am.
    And these clowns are going to have a rough time dealing with the results of their decisions.

  4. So it holding up in the supreme court makes it sooooo invalid. Ok cool Cuz I'm going to listen to a cop instead of the supreme court😂😂😂😂 I love your "legal advice"

  5. Sovereign Citizen is an oxymoron. Its like saying hey I am a man of supreme authority and am also the subject of. People have the civil liberty to travel. Its protected by the 5th amendments due process clause and the 4th amendment. A traffic ticket is a commercial affidavit in which acting agent of the statutes is liable on his commercial liability. That's why you write those Form 24 Bid/Performance Bonds. Have you ever filled one of those out? You underwrite the potentially liability if you as an agent of the statutes cause harm while enforcing the code. An affidavit is a double edge sword. The tribunal understands this. The agent could be alienating one of the living peoples rights and trespassing on the case. Or in violation of copyrighted material. Depending on what the sovereign has recorded in the commercial registry with the Secretary of State. Nothing has brought more fear into my life, then dealing with cops in regards to the auto conveyance I travel with. Its a matter of jurisdictions. Its a matter of standing and of contract.

  6. So is my husband a CO I think you guys have heard every bullshit story these people can come up with I have no problem showing the police my driver's license I've never been in trouble with the law usually that doesn't turn out too well I really don't want to ever get arrested so I think I I live my life according to the law. I don't think jail is like the Hilton Hotel I guess if you end up in jail you made some pretty dumbass decisions

  7. it has been my experience to absolutely ignore a sovereign citizen, I know as a cop especially on a traffic stiop thats not always going to be possible, but in other cases where its possible, at the end of the day these idiots including auditors, are out to find trouble and get a reaction from ppl, well take that away and they will move in, i have done it, and in most stuations they do leave within the hour!!!

  8. It's funny, I'm not particularly a fan of cops, but I don't go out of my way to harass them. I just prefer to stay out of their way. I'm more neutral to them more than anything. The only time I've refused to give a cop my ID, I wasn't driving and they wanted me to be a witness to an incident. I simply explained I didn't see what happened, so any statement by me is useless so I'm not gonna hand over my ID because it had nothing to do with me and I want nothing to do with it.

  9. I can't believe there are idiots out there pretending like the US Constitution is not the law of the land and that the Articles of Confederation somehow trumps it. A whole lot of wishful thinking and overdosing on the blue pill going on out there.

  10. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution
    Makes it Unconstitutional for Someone to be held as a slave
    In other words it grants freedom to all Americans
    There are exceptions, including criminals
    That is a clause, a loophole.
    'Neither Slavery nor Involuntary Servitude
    Except as A Punishment For Crime'
    Used by Cops, courts, judges, others as A Tool
    for whatever purposes they want to use it
    Against those they take issue with as reasons may vary
    Toward race, gender, lifestyle, means, ect..

    The reason I say that cops are Corrupt and Sadistic Is because that is the kind of people who gravitate to that kind of job. Granted some may not be as corrupt and sadistic as others. However the more corrupt and sadistic one is, the more they will be accepted as a cop, the better they will progress in their profession.

  11. STOP CALLING IT LAW. There is Legal and there is lawful. the "pig" (His Words)in this vid only seems to uphold corporate "legal standings" (aka. mandates, proclamations and edicts) most of which violate the constitution. By enforcing those , The 🐷 is violating his oath taken to uphold the constitution. This is known as Waring against the constitution (aka. Treason) "

  12. Pathetic. You clearly don't know how common law and sovereignty works. Why would we the people listen to the legal team that only enforce rules aimed to minimize our rights. Think people THINK

  13. The reason we needed to make a constitution was because the articles of confederation were so weak and restrictive that government couldn’t get anything done and there were constant violent rebellions…

    So basically like now.

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