This Is Why You Don’t Purchase Your Vacation With Stolen Credit Cards – Everything Law and Order Blog

On February 8th, 2024, in Florida, police were called to a cruise ship concerning a woman who had used stolen credit cards to book her journey.

44 thoughts on “This Is Why You Don’t Purchase Your Vacation With Stolen Credit Cards”
  1. Cop knows case is weak.. That's why he is trying so hard to get her to act like coroperdting will actually help her.

    STAY QUIET TILL A LAYWER COMES. She is helping law enforcement build their case

  2. First of all if a cop ever asks you "You want to help yourself"and follows it up with "then start talking" that is a bigger scam than the credit card fraud. You can never help yourself when it comes to talking to the police. You're only helping them. I promise you that. The only communication that should occur is with an attorney present. I understood the officer's attitude with this girl because he's probably sick of seeing this stuff time and time again. Nobody out there wants to go out and get a damn job like the rest of us. If life sucks that bad for you then change the view but this something for nothing type mindset, especially when it involves stealing somebody's identity and using the credit they've worked their ass off for, has got to go. When I was younger I let my credit get in a terrible spot so I understand what it's like but I kept my Head down and put the work in necessary myself so I could enjoy the benefits of having good credit. Took me years to get to that point.

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