This Judge Throws Off His Robe to Throw Down

This Judge Throws Off His Robe to Throw Down

SNAPCHAT: mike_thecop1
A judge in Jackson County, MI decided he’d had enough and didn’t want to make the officer present in the court have to fight some woman stalking turd all alone. So, he jumped in to help and gave us a great line: “TASE HIS A$$”! LOL.
INTRO: Forensic

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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39 thoughts on “This Judge Throws Off His Robe to Throw Down

  1. Wow. This defendant what a fucking moron asshole. That’s the kind of guy that murders his gf because she was seen around another man that could possibly be her cousin. The judge is fine I was hoping he was going to give the judge a reason to knock on his head with the gavel.

  2. That mans judge, jury, and BADASS in his own court room. And good on him for helping the arresting officer so he could get him detained and out safetly

  3. Are we certain that guy isn't on drugs? And how many more judges we know who are willing to take off the robe and throw down if necessary?

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