Toledo Police Chief Bans Tac Vests for Reasons – Everything Law and Order Blog

And they aren’t very good ones (at least from my perspective). What do YOU think?

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

41 thoughts on “Toledo Police Chief Bans Tac Vests for Reasons”
  1. I remember a Chief Constable (Chief) of an area who refused to let officers have the old ribbed woollen NATO style pullover jerseys with the patched shoulders and elbows because it looked to militaristic but it was okay to have the First World War style woollen Serge uniforms albeit with shiny buttons instead of the dulled. These had to be privately dry cleaned too. I don’t think US troops had to deal with the same cloth – Billy Connolly once joked that stuff was like barbed wire woven with pubic hair. Horrendously itchy and horrible when sweating. The criminals and Neds were all dressed in the latest lightweight ( sports gear) gear. The police were only issued with a short lightweight club which many weren’t trained in and left in the concealed leg pocket to protect the leg. I remember being in a small town and lads coming out, some of them well paid fisherman and oil workers, scoffing at the police a few years later because they were wearing stab vests. Little did they know a cop had been stabbed and nearly killed by a kid running past and planting a knife in his ribs as he (a grandfather) was dealing with a very minor and unrelated dispute with a volunteer in the street. The new Chief realised that more techniques and equipment was necessary to keep everyone safe.
    Do cops carry all, including tactical medicine self- help kits like tourniquets, field dressings etc etc on their belts too? Do vests not help separate conventional on the belt from less lethal on the vest in some cases and safety in vehicles? I heard there was some difficulty in accessing options in a car during one of the London attacks. It probably has a bearing when in cover or prone too. Appropriate use of cover and space is important in descalation? The safer one feels the less likely to feel the need to escalate the force/ compliance options?

  2. In our PD, we still have officers, that have been in police work for a long time, that are against the vest. To them, they look unprofessional. Luckily, we have a new Chief who just approved the wear of a vest for those of us who want to wear it. She also said, if you don't want to wear a vest, you don't have to either. She told me she wants our police to be comfortable while we're on the streets and she likes the input from her officers, too. At the end, she still makes all the decisions and we respect that. She's been a great boss.

  3. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with the ban. It does make them look much more aggressive and look like military troops. I tip my hat to the men and woman in blue however, if the boss says go back to traditional uniform to help community oriented police, just listen and do your job that's it.

  4. The man's right it is military. That's why civilian is it where the same thing. Equal ground equal rights

  5. The big shiny cars with the bright lights are quite intimidating and so are those military style boots. Get rid of ranks too while you are at it

  6. Here's my take: there are pros and cons to using a MOLLE vest over a fully loaded duty belt. Back then, police officers didn't have the shit ton of equipment they do now. MOLLE vests help with 2 things:

    1. Take the load off the hips and back.
    2. Allows the ability to carry more gear efficiently and effectively.

  7. If you can't do the job with a single six-shooter, go back to basic training. You do not need to look like SWAT mixed with a good dose of Navy Seals in order to do the job.
    Unless of course, it's only to make yourself look cool big boy, and feel better.

  8. intimidation is good when facing criminals. and that cheif is so arrogant with his saying "they are gonna listen to me because i'm the chief, and i make the rules"

  9. Cops don't need fancy equipment if they are not catching criminals.
    I can't get a cop to come to my house to catch a thief because they are too busy writing tickets.

  10. being Ex Military in the UK and Ex Police i can see his point of what he means BUT you need all the gear you can carry and on a Molle vest its easier to hand spreads the weight and since the Criminals have more shit than the standard cop does you need all the help you can get so while he is in the office eating his fucking donuts and his low ranking officers are out getting shot or get out guns and matched he can take his idea and shove it up his arse.

    if i wasnt allowed my vest i wouldnt be turning up to work and he would be told to fuck right off untill he walked the streets without a vest and did the same job i did every night. OH and y 6 year old son wouldnt give a fuck if you turned up at the door dressed like that a soldier as he knows you are there to help AND he plays Ice Hockey so he isnt a fuckin pussy for a kid either. this Chief of police can then answer for cops deaths and injuries and so forth.


  11. I’m sorry, I have been a cop for 9 years. If departments won’t let their officers wear tac vests then they need to make vests optional. Plus he made an argument that police shouldn’t have guns and tasers.

  12. I agree with the Chief for the most part. I wear a Molle that can go over or under my shirt mainly for my radio.

  13. You say "it has nothing to do with appearance, but only character." I beg to differ…… There is plenty of evidence that appearance does matter e.g. You don't look across a bar at a woman/man and say I bet they have great character, when a band of men with tattoos resembling a gang or "colors" is walking a persons way there is plenty of evidence that it makes people uncomfortable if not extremely nervous. Its about perception at first. I can't spot a person of character from a mile away, but i can spot someone who is intimidating. An example is what the Chief used. I suggest your ego should be checked at the door and look at the perspective from those whom you are so called "protecting and serving"

  14. Ummm hip and back pain ok you gonna have a lot of cops go on leave of absence due to bad pain. The vest take a lot of the pressure off there lower backs

  15. The 5 year old says “I’m going to be a cop when I grow up”. Old cops not on the street deciding what’s best. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  16. Sounds like unneeded spending replacing good equipment. Retraining!!!? OK!!! You’re state must like spending taxpayers money.

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