Washington Auditor Gets Arrested; Trespassed From Police Department – Everything Law and Order Blog

Remember Victor? No, not Photo. The one from Pasco. Victor Scott. Remember him?

When we last saw Mr. Scott, he and and his buddy were about to get trespassed from Pasco City Hall. Not liking that idea, the duo took off running in an attempt to evade service. One dude – not Mr. Scott – threw a water bottle at the police and landed himself in jail. But what happened to our other friend that day? Did Mr. Scott ever get served?

Answer: quite. Check it out.

*If you are new to Victor Scott, mind your headphone volume. He shouts. A lot.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “Washington Auditor Gets Arrested; Trespassed From Police Department”
  1. Nothing as satisfying as the "thunk" of the police cruiser door closing on a frauditor. Blah, blah, blah, bl….

  2. He keeps asking why he's being arrested and the officers told him 50 times "trespassing." Auditors are some of the most willfully ignorant people on the planet.

  3. Okay well what these cops just explain to me and my head is this man did nothing illegal. I hope you see the living shit out of these idiots.

  4. About time, just arrest these clowns. As soon as the handcuffs get slapped on, there all big crybabies

  5. When i was in school why didnt i have hot teachers trying to sleep around its not a crime its a rigjt of passage fpr teenage bouz high fives all aroind if that was my son

  6. Now thats how u treat these fucktards well done officer
    The rest of the police forces across the country meed to take notes this is a real cop 👍

  7. Its actually kind of creepy in a juvenile way, how he keeps trying to insult their mothers. Makes you wonder about his own mothers situation.

  8. Glad to see one of these "auditors" get their ass handed to them. I know there are bad cops out there, but "auditing" doesn't help with anything. Just wastes time and resources where the cops could be doing legit police work.

  9. I watch a lot of the Schrodinger's Cat channel. The one thing these time wasting cretins have in-common – apart from being obnoxious little boys – no matter what their actual age – is claiming to be disabled. ( Cue: running like Gazelles on speed! ). I find this lie seriously hard to stomach; I'm disabled; house bound, actually. They always seem to hold the ' I'm disabled ' card back until it seems clear to them that those their are bullying are about to react. Frauditers are low-life vermin scum. Cowards and criminals, too. The law has to be amended in order to give these fraudsters seriously long sentences.

  10. I like no nonsense tazing cops. They need to hire more of them for this "auditors" Tase all of them!

  11. Cops are the biggest scum on this planet. Petulant petty children with little self control or ability to reason. The 1st amendment auditing movement is continually growing directly due to cops behaviors and actions. Like this arresting officer. What a tool.

  12. There are bad auditors like there are bad police. Treat them the same, hold them accountable and don't support them.

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