On August 3, 2018 Najari Smith was arrested by an Oakland police officer for what Richmond Mayor Tom Butt would later say “appeared to be a case of “bicycling while black.””

The unfortunately-named mayor wrote a three-page letter to Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley and Oakland Mayor Libby Shaaf asking that the charges against Smith be dropped. It worked.

While the move was politically understandable, Mayor Butt likely did not see this footage. Because he was clearly wrong about the reason for Smith’s arrest.

According to Peter Bibring, senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California, although California law generally requires that officers release people who are cited for misdemeanors, rather than taking them to jail, it makes an exception if the person cannot provide satisfactory identification. If officers are actually trying to write you a misdemeanor citation, you may have to provide identification or face arrest for the misdemeanor offense.

Exactly what happened here. Most people don’t get confused about their own birthday.


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By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “What Really Happened: Oakland Police Arrest Najari Smith”
  1. Thank you mayor, your politically motivated decision now means every ass hat in California, and else where, are going to pull this shit. Thanks for making these officers jobs that more difficult and dangerous. All you accomplished was give the sov-cit morons an accuse to act out. Californians of course keep putting idiots like this in office so don't complain as your state becomes an even bigger joke then it already is.

  2. Oh yeah! This cop was no doubt being a racist! How dare that officer treat that black man with respect?? This is an outrage! I’m calling Al Sharpton on this one!!!

  3. Jesus Christ, dude he had so many chances to give simple ass information about himself. Does he not know that there's hundreds of people with his name in that city and he NEEDS his DOB and address to single him out of the hundreds of Smiths. Dumbass took jail over a simple ticket that he could've contested in court. Dude could've enjoyed his night and sleep in his own bed but instead he chose to sleep in jail.

  4. This is racist this officer is very clearly inciting racism and violating this clearly very educated man and the people shouting in the back ground that's not discriminatory either those are words of encouragement to the guy in the back seat 👍👍☠ and the I need a phone call line show me where in the constitution it says you have the right to a phone call lol

  5. He literally gave the cop the hardest time, and the cop gave him every chance to identify himself properly with out being sketched out like he’s gonna get “run up on” by the po po

  6. This show that the Mayor made a knee jerk decision, without knowing the facts. Not the kind of person who should be administering a city. Then to compound the problem the weak kneed DA dropped the charges, Both are saying its ok to not comply with the popo. If popo is wrong, then make or a complaint or sue. I feel bad for the people of Oakland no leadership as for the popo gotta suck to have people like that administering the city. I think it is time for Oklande to vote with there brains not with emotion and the group.

  7. It's a good thing that the mayor doesn't like cops, because then they would be butt Buddies For Real. Fuck tom butt

  8. The mayor gave this man exactly what he wanted….attention! The more attention we give criminals for acting like this the more that are gonna act like this because society thinks it cool. Lord please bring the respect to cops back so idiots like this stop getting attention for being dumb

  9. Bravo to the LEO for his patience and BOO HISS to the aptly named Mayor Butt and the "Butt" kissers Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley and Oakland Mayor Libby Shaaf

  10. Najaari Smith is an idiot pure and simple. Wasting tax payer dollars on all this police labor and time. This is what happens when stupidity and zeal mix.

  11. cop basically was like u getting a ticket bro, and have ur right to deal with this in court

    guy was like nah arrest me cuz im not giving you ID lolol

    like why??

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