Hopefully this is a good topic to interact in the comments with. Also, my snoop dog reference comes from when he posted on his Instagram that video of a security guard getting beat up and he said “F.T.P.” and spoke of scoring one for “us.” By us does he mean rappers, or ?
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INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “When Should You Step in to Help An Officer in Trouble?”
  1. You see Mike what tends to happen when you don't speak out about bad cops is we the public stop caring about what happens to you, imagine being captured by an army who has heard how badly your warrior friends treat prisoners? Sound like a good idea to cover for them now?

  2. What if we see a cop abusing his power? And the victim asked us for help getting the power tripping cop off him?? Then what do we do??

  3. I get out and, armed with nothing but best intentions, jump on bad guy and hope this didn’t make things worse civilian 🤣
    Very helpful advice

  4. question for all the LEOs if you were the officer in the first clip on the side of the road what is the best and worst thing a law abiding gun carrying citizen can do to help you out?

  5. That's exactly why I have the biggest maglite manufactured, full of old fashioned heavy batteries, not these weenie lightweight rechargeables. Makes dealing with such a situation a lot easier. You never want an even fight.

  6. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution
    Makes it Unconstitutional for Someone to be held as a slave
    In other words it grants freedom to all Americans
    There are exceptions, including criminals
    That is a clause, a loophole.
    'Neither Slavery nor Involuntary Servitude
    Except as A Punishment For Crime'
    Used by Cops, courts, judges, others as A Tool
    for whatever purposes they want to use it
    Against those they take issue with as reasons may vary
    Toward race, gender, lifestyle, means, ect..

    The reason I say that cops are Corrupt and Sadistic Is because that is the kind of people who gravitate to that kind of job. Granted some may not be as corrupt and sadistic as others. However the more corrupt and sadistic one is, the more they will be accepted as a cop, the better they will progress in their profession.

  7. Im thinking about 52% of people in this country right now would pull over to help the felon…Pathetic but probably not statistically inaccurate

  8. About 5 years ago, my partner and I were chasing a guy, and a recent high school graduate saw us and stopped his car, ran the guy down and held him until our fat asses caught up and took over. It was awesome. The dude we were chasing was bookin' it, but this guy that stopped was faster. I also had a random citizen stop and help me direct traffic at a fatal crash for over 2 hours. Folks are usually pretty helpful where I work.

  9. Simple answer: NEVER. Saving one cop isn't going to change the fact that most cops are tyrannical pigs who are rarely held accountable when their crimes are proven in court. Policing for profit, planting evidence, cover ups, etc. America doesn't want police anymore in fact, we don't need police anymore. We are more than capable of policing ourselves and will most likely do it without committing any of the crimes listed above that ironically police commit daily

  10. I'm retired but there was an occasion that I help another officer, My wife were at a gas station getting gas and I saw the Patrol sitting facing the roadway, a short time later this ca shows up and the Cop exits his car and starts talking with these two. Next one of guy opens the rear drivers side door and gets this guy out that's handcuffed they uncuff him and as the Cops his putting his cuffs the guy starts fighting he's now in a knock down drag out fight with guy I start towards the Officer he see's and puts his had on his weapon I tell him I'm a cop at which time he says I need your help the two got him cuffed and in the patrol Cops shakes my hand and thanks

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