Why All Cops Should Train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 5 CLIP – Everything Law and Order Blog

All cops should train brazilian jiu-jitsu! Well, at least according to Mike and Dave. Not only do we think all cops should train, but we think BJJ is for everyone. It’s a great skill and great fun.

Dave is a world champion and Mike just looks good. That’s about it. ENJOY!

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INTRO MUSIC: “You Hear Dat” by https://www.instagram.com/bookem_382/

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “Why All Cops Should Train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 5 CLIP”
  1. YUP – they shouldn't let you have a badge unless you are at LEAST a blue belt. (And BTW I think I rolled with Mike at MASH.)

  2. Thin blue jokes.. y’all talk about training mma like you’re tough, yet you cops are scared of everything. Half the department running code anytime someone resists a little. “OfFiCeR sAfEtY”.

  3. After the academy I found Gracie Jiu Jitsu out of Torrance. I did Gracie Survival Tactics level one and followed up with Gracie Combatives. It’s the best thing I could have ever done. It keeps you safer and the suspect safer while taking care of the threat.

  4. Mike I just want to say you inspired me to get into Jiu-Jitsu and I start next month. Keep up the good work man. Love what you do.

  5. I’m in the process of becoming a police officer and I am a former varsity high school wrestler , and a three stripe blue belt in Brazilian Jiu jitsu .. I definitely think being an extremely experienced and skilled grappler will help .

    I recently read a large article in a law enforcement article talking about how suspects trained in mixed martial arts especially in the Midwest are becoming problematic sometimes

  6. Here's the deal, you cannot arrest a resisting subject while he is standing. He has too much Mobility. You have to take him to the ground to get the cuffs on. Secondly, probably 95% of all individuals we arrest have some type of disease like hepatitis. Why would you want to trade blows with someone like that? Anyone who has been a cop in a busy jurisdiction nose the grappling is part of the job. It's not a choice. you can choose to train and become better at it or not but either way, you're going to Grapple in this line of work.

  7. Brazilian jui jitsu is total bullshit. You should learn Ameridote if you want to fight like a real man. Like a fireman for example.

  8. There was a police officer that went to my church and he picked up and body slammed a black belt that was picking a fight with him while he was on patrol and he also told a drunk Minnesota Viking that wanted to pick a fight with him the police officer said that went to my church said to him “ if you come at me I will go for both your legs with my baton” the Minnesota Viking backed off he was drunk at a club

  9. Absolutely agree. I was at north texas training academy. (not giving department name here). Zero martial arts training. I spent some real coin to train with ____Academy in ______ so I had options in addition to shooting someone. :/ // So not departments fault. City gov yielding to liberal tyrants who hate cops. Just sayin'.

  10. If I could train anything, I would train catch wrestling 🙂 I wrestled for most of my life, and I train and love BJJ, but I feel as if my takedowns have lost their edge.

  11. Systema Russian martial art . Vladamir Vasiliev, Mikhail Ryabko, Martin Wheeler, Kevin Secours, Adam Zettler, Brendon Zettler, Alexei Kadochnikova.

  12. I think police using jiu jitsu to restrain someone is redundant and probably even counter productive and will probably end with more lawsuits and more bad press for unnecessary force. Why would you need to put a guy/woman in a Kimura and break his/her arm or choke them unconscious when your ultimate goal is to handcuff them question them and put them in the back of your cruiser? I've worked both armed & unarmed security before and the only time I'd ever resort to using jiu jitsu to restrain or incapacitate an aggressive person is if I had no handcuffs. They'd be better off learning some type of wrestling so they know how to control someone who is desperately trying to explode up onto their feet or quickly escape your control and run away

  13. No…they just need to know how to yell and how to shoot. Why put officer's lives at risk in hand to hand combat when you can just order criminals to do whatever you want (and shoot them if they don't comply)? We should train cop to maintain a 20 feet 'exclusion zone' where anyone entering will be shot.

  14. Jiu-jitsu sounds feminine? It too sounds weird for me but a lot of words in english also sound feminine to me. I guess it's better than russian where poor Dimitri is called Dima

  15. Grappling in general fairly effective, i managed to suppress a hotheaded airforce medic Via a defensive stance used in karate(the focus is to protect the family jewels) and some judo ground grapples.

  16. I have trained BJJ and consider it a valuable asset. Your teaser picture show a rear naked choke, AKA "sleeper". Does your department allow these? I thought most departments have banned it because of the high mortality rate.

  17. i can also recommend the Israeli Krav Maga so you can deal with knives and batons even without a drawn weapon
    But you need to find the correct trainer , some of the people that teach "Krav Maga" actually teach low level self defense

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