Wife Meets Husband’s Secret Lover, Doesn’t End Well – Everything Law and Order Blog

On August 4th, 2023, in Ohio, Police Were Dispatched to a bar in reference to a female refusing to leave after attacking an employee.


49 thoughts on “Wife Meets Husband’s Secret Lover, Doesn’t End Well”
  1. Can't believe people. Who has fun going to these shit hole dive bars ? Acting a fool, getting drunk and causing a scene. Much rather watch a movie and order food than go around all of that drama and nonsense. Also, what kind of husband sticks up for some random woman over his own wife of 20 years, and she just takes it like it's nothing ? People are astonishing creatures.

  2. Seems like these Cops really do not know how to handle people esp those from the bar there clueless to peoples problems or mental states, take em to side side and have a real chat not threatenings ,dragging or handcuffing ,so what happened to the video ? or did i miss something Lol

  3. Well FAFO , but if anyone is getting cheated on , it's because you let them. , I used to do it when younger , and what were they going to do be with me anyway if not oh well moved on

  4. That little blurb at the end where he asks you, "If you were a member of the Jury, would you find her guilty". DON'T participate in bullshit conversation like that. You do NOT Convict someone in the US based solely on bodycam footage and WITHOUT a Trial with representation. Period. In fact, you should DEMAD this channel knock off such stupidity as making comments like that.

  5. You like how the Bouncer goes out of his way to volunteer information ahead of being questioned about it, saying that "when I set her down she lost her balance and she slammed into the ground. But I'm sure it looked like I threw her…" LOL. Sure, buddy. It probably "looked like you threw her" because… *gasp, you THREW her. You're a Bouncer, you LIVE for that moment. In fact, you go out of your way to tell your friends the cool stories about how you 'kicked this person's ass' and 'that person's ass' all the time. That's how the Bouncer do. Don't BS us that she, "lost her balance"… LOL

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