Woman Angry at Garbage Truck Driver, Turn into a Chicken. – Everything Law and Order Blog

#publicfreakout #crazywoman #angrywomanatGarbageTruckdriver
Woman Angry at Garbage Truck Driver Turn into a Chicken.

A dispute occurred between a women and a garbage truck driver that appear to be over a garbage quantity of Bags (4 max), that the woman claim that one more bag should have been picked up.
She even turn into a chicken at a certain point.

How long does it take for a truck to stop?
At 55 mph on dry pavement with good brakes, it can take a heavy vehicle about 170 feet and about 4 1/2 seconds to stop. Total stopping distance – At 55 mph it will take about 6 seconds to stop and your vehicle will travel the distance of a football field (60 + 60 + 170 = 290 feet).

A fully loaded semi truck has the gross vehicle weight, depending on its cargo, of up to 80,000 pounds. (Compare this to an average car’s weight of 4,000 pounds.) At a speed of 55 m.p.h., a semi truck’s stopping distance is 100 yards–the length of a football field.

The date and the location are not clear, still looking to confirm more information.

If you have more details please comment.

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By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “Woman Angry at Garbage Truck Driver, Turn into a Chicken.”
  1. CRAZY LADY TIMELINE (everything in order with links)

    August 2016 or earlier
    Posted to Live Leak and then to Youtube
    She had scheduled for 4 garage bags to be picked up by a garbage truck. When the truck arrived, they grabbed the four bags and left the rest which was not in bags. It is my deduction that she saw he had left garbage items and tried to chase down the garbage truck in her car, stopping in front of him causing him to almost hit her. She proceeded to yell at the garbage man, asking him for his drivers license and getting progressively belligerent to the point where she began doing the chicken dance in the road, rolled in the grass, and began pointing and talking to the sky and referring to Jesus Christ as well as talking to other people that were not there.

    Jan. 17th, 9:30 PM
    Recorded on Facebook Live by Kash Native
    Kash began recording when the crazy lady began a yelling disagreement with two other women who were customers. During this incident she had a dog in a bag and a man who was with her who told Kash that he had never seen her act like this. She put the dog on the ground and left it, and the man requested that Kash not record him while he went to retrieve it. The yelling match continued and began growing more religious. At one point, the crazy lady screams at the man that they are leaving, but instead goes back to the argument. The man asked Kash if the recording was live and when Kash confirmed it was, in which the man is not heard or seen again. One of the opposing customers tells the crazy lady that the police have been called. The police arrive and the man and the dog are nowhere to be seen. It is unknown if the crazy lady is arrested at this time.

    Jan. 18th, 12:00 AM
    Recorded by:
    -Jade King (on Instagram, then posted to Facebook by Ashley Peterson)
    -Jessica Pop Bushrow (in comments of Ashley Peterson’s video)
    -Saqib Hussain Javed-Rizvi (on Facebook and Twitter)
    -Tony Lastomirsky Jr. (on Facebook)
    According to King, she was in the Meijer parking lot at midnight with her parents about to enter when a woman pulled up in a car and asked her if she had been saved, to which King replied yes. They were then followed by the crazy lady into the store who claimed they were “bullshitters” and “liars” and harassed them. When King got the attention of management, the crazy lady approached two muslim brothers (Saqib Hussain Javed-Rizvi and his brother) and proceeded to follow them closely vulgarly harass them about their religion. Two brothers (Noah and Drew Miller) then proceeded to step in to defend them, in which they engage her until management arrives. The manager proceeds to grab her arm and she begins to berate him and claim he assaulted her. The police are eventually called and she is escorted out in handcuffs while still berating Saqib. It is rumored that the managers at this Meijer declined to press charges.

    Jan. 18th, 11:00 AM
    Recorded by Darius Gerard
    In this short video, the crazy lady is demanding to get food after seemingly a yelling altercation with another customer. The McDonalds staff refuse to serve her, and she continues screaming. It is unknown if the police are called to this location.

    Jan. 18th, 7:00 PM
    Recorded by David Distelrath
    In this video, the crazy woman is harassing a customer at the self check out, using obscenities while telling him she was trying to help him in the name of Jesus. She begins to become angry when he implies that she is sinful and management gets involved. While remaining completely professional, the two Meijer workers attempt to calm her down, but she continues to escalate, claiming again that the manager was assaulting her, and the other woman calls the police. The crazy lady begins to scream at everyone throughout the whole store. When other customers begin to chime in, the crazy lady continues to loudly berate them. When she takes her cart and begins to walk away, she is followed by management and is engaged by another customer. Police arrive and handcuff her as people clap. Her tirade is over. We are free.

  2. This woman has such an emergency that she's standing on the side of the road Karening.

    Let me guess, she's late for the Golden Corral all you can eat lunch special.

  3. It’s clearly not an emergency if she’s taken the time to have this ridiculous “conversation “ if that what you wanna call it. Also, who “likes their job”? She’s lucky she didn’t get hit by passerby’s while she’s out in the middle of the road like that. 😳

  4. This woman is powerful…. lmaooooooo she literally transformed into a chicken in the spirit and gave zero damns…. Lmaooo who is this and why? I relate to this on a spiritual level. Lol

  5. Does anybody else realize that this is the same crazy lady in the you need Jesus Mutha fukka videos and the dude in the truck sounds exactly like the guy who was at the register trying to check out his groceries in the same videos I'm telling you you can't trust anything you see anymore it's all fake just people trying to make money on YouTube!!

  6. She must have a flashing emergency neon 1billion candlelight laser emergencysign on top her pickup

    EDIT ….. She must be a nutter .

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