$90,000 lawsuit – Charges dismissed! Daytona Beach Police – for panhandling

$90,000 lawsuit – Charges dismissed! Daytona Beach Police – for panhandling


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37 thoughts on “$90,000 lawsuit – Charges dismissed! Daytona Beach Police – for panhandling

  1. Ofcourse the cops know the law and constitution but they like throwing their weight about and bullying people. The way they issue fines is a revenue raising scam. The way this lady cop adresses the ladies and especially the victim is disgusting. The emphathy and communicative skills of frozen chilly. Her partner isn't much better. She is a ticking timebomb, she needs to go, needed to be charged with kidnapping, unlawful conduct, lying on a police report, illegal arrest. She might fit in well with her brethren in Uvalde.

  2. Murica land of the free where they criminalise even playing a guitar in the streets! Nice one pigs really saved the world with this one 👌 i mean we can't be letting that guy just get away with such a heinous crime now can we 😂

  3. If they're going to start paying tens of thousands of dollars in settlements…why the phuck don't they just take down the panhandling laws? Are they hoping they can get away with enough money from convictions to balance the lawsuits?

  4. I found it rich when at the 3:31 mark the female officer says "He's being detained right now because he's not listening". WTF? She can't possibly be that dumb, can she? Maybe she is, maybe she is not. I do know, however, that she is a pos officer and a pos person in my opinion.

  5. The female Officer is a liability very dangerous and given authority and powers with a gun. I am from the UK this was unnecessary escalation ego emotions a complete tyrant. She the officer did not get respect so imposed her will with authority abusing powers. If I come to the US again which I hope to do please let her or any law enforcement try that with me the embassy would lap that up.

  6. "He's being detained because he's not listening.", the masked robber said. That's a new one.

    Regarding the Social Security Number, JMA is correct. The police are not the Social Security Administration which is the only other entity entitled to the number.

  7. Most of those guys were bullied, picked on, marginalized and had very few real friends. Since almost anyone can become a LEO these days, this is their best avenue to exact revenge and feel powerful. Just wait until ether they're fired, burnt out or retired. Nowhere to go but back to the basement and the video games.

  8. If the people of tue city doesn’t want it, these beggars, street entertainers, touts, needs to stop. They are damned annoying and don’t leave people alone and scare off tourists.

  9. Stupid cops will only cost the city and tax payers, there also a danger to Everybody including other cops, and thay will destroy america from the inside if you let them.

  10. Cops don't like it whenever someone is getting more attention than they're !because they wear a badge and 🔫 gun. -! no one was paying them much attention . 🤯👨‍✈️👮‍♀️🤕

  11. Arrogant entitled bish is what she is an absolute tyrant completely just shows how they have no point of Showing nothing but distain for every other human being! They can’t control their own ugly because The taxpayers pay for all their crimes and criminal acts and now their stupidity and mistakes that they make! That’s where qualified immunity needs to be straight from them they need to pay for their own and Insurance and the good old boy police union needs to be dismantled and shut down because all they do is literally had their crimes and criminal acts!

  12. We can’t print money fast enough to cover the lawsuits that cops are causing the taxpayers…why on earth do we still employ these stupid pieces shit?

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