Back The Blue Guy Shows Up On Cop Watch Attempting To Be An Agitator – Everything Law and Order Blog


Legal shield does not want to be affiliated with my channel, which exposes government crimes and police contempt for the laws of this land.

James Freeman does first amendment audits, cop watching, cop blocking, and more. Since Live PD and Cops was cancelled, James Freeman does LIVE STREAMING COP WATCHES. It’s like Live PD, except actually live, and without the “cops can do no wrong” bias.

music in this video
Love Is Blind (Instrumental Version) – Coma Svensson

Wasted Education – Blue Topaz

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


45 thoughts on “Back The Blue Guy Shows Up On Cop Watch Attempting To Be An Agitator”
  1. The part that impressed me the most was the cop walking up to the dude in the truck saying it was alright that you were there 😁

    I've watched several of your videos, and my favorite thing about them is that you treat the cops accordingly (if they're acting within the law and respecting people's rights, you're nice to them and a dick when they deserve it 🤣)

  2. Years ago, a motorcycle cop with a fucking complex made me stop in the middle of the street for jaywalking, but this street was SO residential and that there wasn’t even a line painted down the middle! Yet- he had me standing there for SO long while he yelled at me that a handful of cars came by and drove right by me, inches away from my body, totally endangering me.

  3. It's sweet of you to call him a 'back the blue' guy… Instead of what he is. An absolute BOOT LICKER that are set out upon helping the police state to further harm our constitutional rights.

  4. hell yeah!! love it! keep up the content in ABQ! they been behaving lately i can tell! thank you for what you do james! you are awesome!!

  5. This vid was freaking brilliant. Great way to flip it back onto the bootlicker, and that's the way it should go with all police all the time

  6. If you ever need to mount a plate to something like this use bolts with big washers or stick a piece of wood behind it and screw it into that.

  7. A bit harsh but entertaining. And that’s coming from someone who has seen the best entertainment in a sick long time.
    But god damn I was thinking the whole time how shite the cops could be on hot days in ABQ.

  8. Damn this channel is full of shit. People who act like this are annoying just let people do your jobs and quit instigating the cops.

  9. To James Freeman If it wasn't for the police doing this idiots like you would be speeding all over th eplace because in your tiny mind imposing a speed limit violates your freedom to do whatever the f*ck you want. YOU are the reason cops need to do this. Why don't you help them out? You have a few loose screws.

  10. Convention of states look it up !! It's even here on YT buried by the algorithm.. LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!

  11. You’re a pest, man. Just be a cop yourself or stop harassing them. Can’t believe they let you do this kind of trolling. Find your purpose in life.

  12. The officer in the beggining that talks to them and such, good man. Good good man. May he stay safe and get home safely. A transparent officer is a great, rare and legendary officer. Bravo.

  13. The stupidity is unbelievable in the middle of the road…and you wonder so many get hit by cars every year it’s amazing how stupid they are…then again their not hired for their intelligence but as yes man willing to steal brutalize and extort for the government… the constitution means nothing to modern day policing it’s about revenue and incarceration…

  14. Good cops never give a shit that you record them, are nice and don't try to create new law on the spot.

    Put a camera in the face of a bad cop and you'll see the attitude change in a heartbeat depending on how corrupt they are.

  15. Some of your videos have solid points, but alot of the time you are extremely bias and I think anyone without a smooth brain would understand taking information from someone who's acting on emotion is never a good idea. I've Definitely had bad and extremely good encounter with police sp I think it's nessesary for people to have police under a close eye aswell. I'd like to see content of police officers doing the right thing aswel on this channel. I think it's important just as much as picking out whats wrong with police but also what is done right for an example

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