Bay harbor cops Yanked this video offline after I called them out

Bay harbor cops Yanked this video offline after I called them out

Post defaming armed fisherman –
Music Licensed to JMA by artist

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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30 thoughts on “Bay harbor cops Yanked this video offline after I called them out

  1. OK a bit of light hearted comedy is good but concentrate on the real issues of policing like use of force, shootings and lying on reports, not this shit, you should be ashamed of your selves for wasting time on this crap when there are so many serious issues of so much importance, you shot yourselves in the foot with this one, IDIOTS

  2. Defund the police doesn't mean dis band the police, it means take the money they get from the state and cut it by 3/4ths, theres no reason crime should exist with all the extra police hired

  3. Looks like a bunch of stupid idiots wasting tax dollars to make their silly asses look human. It's a lost cause. They are assholes thru and thru. Just go and see how they treated The Armed Fisherman to see what a joke this video is.

  4. Funny. Hey, chief, I got this great idea to bridge the gap between us gang members and the people that serve us. How about we make a video that shows how hilarious we are and what a bunch of great actors we are. Chief, "That's an awesome use of tax payer funds. We can pay overtime for the acting.". ! We have to wonder how many kids watch this. Sad.

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