Bodycam: Emails are NOT exempt under Florida law | Don’t let them say otherwise. – Everything Law and Order Blog


I recommend one 100%

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


34 thoughts on “Bodycam: Emails are NOT exempt under Florida law | Don’t let them say otherwise.”
  1. Another frauditor, I predict they will incite a new law soon stopping this harassment and everyone will be mad and wonder why. Just check out YouTube and these ppl that think this is some type of job, which its NOT. It saddens me when P people abuse the system and when something is done about it they whine like little children and throw a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  2. Although you are probably correct that she is just unfamiliar with the Sunshine State Public Records law, my guess is also that she (and every clerk) has been told that "If you don't know for sure that a record is available under the Sunshine Law, tell the person it's not."

  3. There's no such thing as a good cop, they're all paid to take rape and kill humans. To hell with the thin blue balls gang murderers. Over eight hundred humans lost their lives to these criminals in 2019 alone. On average twelve hundred humans will lose their life to the biggest corrupt gang in America. It's time we disarm the biggest gang in America and take back our GOD given rights as free people.

  4. I imagine the conversation behind the scenes went something like "Oh shit, he requested my emails, and I confirmed our continuous violation of state and federal laws many, many times in my emails, and I'm sure that other blue isis members confirmed it. How about you tell him that emails are exempt, and refuse to provide them. Either he'll just give up, or at least we'll have time to hire a tech to get all of them removed from the logs so we don't get into trouble". Then the records clerk points out that she would be breaking the law by doing that, and then they all have a nice, long, hearty laugh.

  5. 2 blue line tyrant flags, I foresee that tyrant flag actually replacing the American flag, red white and blue, some day. Why is that?!?!? 🙁

  6. Have you recently heard about bills being drafted about recording in government and city buildings?… These people are scared. I'm going to make a prediction. Nationalist will be used since they love to slander anybody that's not with their agenda to desecrate our country and its values. Rashid twalib, John omar, and Alexandria Avocado Cortex refused to simply disavow antifa and txrrorxsm. Couldn't even say firebombs were bad….

  7. As a Floridian, this channel is FIRE!! LOVE your channel & may God bless you and your efforts!! P.S. i don't use emojis & Epstein didn't self murder…

  8. Hi I have a website for people to document police misconduct. Would you be willing to share this story on there so we have a record of it? You can just link people back to the youtube video, but we want to make sure that it is logged and not lost on youtube.

  9. While you are there…tell the pieces of crap to take down the gang symbol of the blue line flag….I fought for that Flag and I don't appreciate these pieces of garbage desecrating the Flag I fought for…….Asswipes.

  10. Why would anyone frame and hang not one but two desecrated american flags on the wall for everyone to see. They must be sick in brain.

  11. "if you're going to make me work, (the work that YOU pay me to do), then it's only fair that I make you work,(even though I work for you)." Huh? Fire her immediately.

  12. When dealing with a cop who has misapplied a Statute I always do a PRR on their entire IA and disciplinary history. Almost every time you will find that they have been reprimanded at one time or another for, you guessed it, misapplying a Statute. The ones who are too stupid to do their job correctly typically remain TOO STUPID to do their jobs correctly.

  13. ID 27 – so elated you followed that up and got that info… Really like you guys going after these public records – so many agencies need educating on them – their employees violate the FL Statutes time and time again – there is evidently no end to it. Thanks for helping to keep them "straight" on public records. Be safe…

  14. 👍Another nice audit and content.👍These so called Public Servants are Definitely Confused about who they work for! Thanks for what you do for We The People! Keep up the Good Fight and definitely keep those Cameras Rolling! Peace to you and yours! Live Free and Be Safe out there!

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