original video from “Picture Perfect”

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


  1. Well I can tell you that they spend most of their time hanging out at the hospital. It is not unheard of to see up to six or seven marked units parked at Claremore Regional throughout the day. And I am not talking about for 20 minutes. I am talking about hours or all day on some days.

    They also like to get close with the staff that works there. I happen to see this on at least one occasion. So serving and protecting the people of Claremore isn't high on their list of things too do.

  2. i called police department couple of towns away from me concerning them towing my sister's car away for not having insurance. the first thing out of that woman's mouth was an accusation of me supposedly threatening the cops. i confronted her on her bullshit and she immediately changed the subject. when the pig who took my sister's car away got on the phone he said her license wasnt real. my sister got her license from the county courthouse where everyone in the county gets theirs. you see the games these pigs play with your life? without that car my sister had no way to go to work. oh and by the way my sister had insurance and could prove it in court. there was no court date given just confiscation of the vehicle. the pig even wanted to leave her on the side of a dark road until my sister spoke up about it.

  3. Rogers county is crooked as hell I have lived there from birth to 52 years old and Mark book has said and done horrible bad things to people and I was one of them and I never said anything because I didn't know what to do or who would even believe me, but all I got to say is, F.T.P. and Rogers county go to hell. Have a nice day and be blessed Johnny five o. you're doing a good job.

  4. I love kenny G.!!! I celebrate his entire collection, especially his very rare early underground tape demos. So good!

  5. The Claremore Police Dept., and Rogers County Sheriff's Dept. are two horribly corrupt agencies. Claremore Police and Rogers county Sheriffs murdered my son and covered up their crime. They admittedly watched my 23 yo son drown on 12/11/2019 they did absolutely nothing to help him, then they blamed my younger 22 yo son with his murder by charging him with the 1st degree murder of his brother with a $757000 bond. That alone constitutes murder because the police have taken an oath to serve and to save lives. The deal is, I don't believe he drowned and neither does anyone who has read the media's account of that day.
    The Claremore PD and Rogers County Sheriff's in OK supposedly saw my son drowning they said he was calling out for help, but they didn't want to help him because the embankment was too steep according to the detective who came by our home. Why would they say he was calling out to them for help if he wasn't able to because he was drowning? Drowning victims DO NOT call out for help and that's a fact. I believe, the chase got out of hand the cops went into a frenzy like they tend to do during a police chase, and they murdered him, then they called it a drowning. It happened at Panther Creek in 4 ft of water, the water temp was 41 degrees, the banks are not steep, and my son was an excellent swimmer, he had learned when he was two years of age. I don't think he made it out of the car that crashed, I believe they either beat him, or tazed him, and then threw his body in the creek, and drown him to cover it up, or maybe they just drown him, but there is no doubt that they had something to do with my sons death. No higher authority was called in, no body cams on any of the cops, no cameras on any of the police cars during this police chase they also have 3 drones in Claremore. Everyone thinks this is very suspicious, something diabolical happened to my son, the Rogers County, and the Claremore PD know what happened, and they're covering it up. This is not the first time there has been corruption in this county and city, they are under investigation as I write this to you.
    My son no longer has his life and I no longer have my son, honestly, he should be sitting in jail, not in the morgue. Please, please help me. There is no police video even though there was a chase both in two cars and on foot. Why were there no cameras on their cars or body?
    They are also attempting to take my other son away from us by charging him with the 1st degree murder of his own brother. Please help me, we deserve to know what really happened to our son.

  6. ​​​

    Rogers County and Claremore are the most corrupt county and city in Oklahoma. Put it simply Claremore PD and Rogers county Sheriff's Dept murdered my 23 yo son when they admittedly watched him drown in 4ft of water on 12/11/2019, then they blamed my younger 22 yo son with his murder by charging him with the 1st degree murder of his brother for what THEY did with a $757000 bond days after the fact. ​The Claremore PD and Rogers County Sheriff's in OK saw my son drowning they said he was calling out for help, but they didn't want to help him because the embankment was too steep according to the detective who came by our home as well as the media. Why would they say he was calling out to them for help if he wasn't able to because he was drowning, drowning victims don't call out for help!!! Rogers County sheriffs were not fond of my son they had a history with him because he had an addiction, he was a good person who has a family that loves him. I believe the chase got out of hand and they murdered him then called it a drowning, They could have ran him into the water and tased him, or they beat him and threw his body in and drown him to cover it up. No higher authority called in, no body cams on any of the cops, no cameras on any of the police cars during a police chase they didn't even bring out any of their drones, and they have 3, but they had the helicopter in the air, and ALL the news stations there. EVERYONE THINKS this is VERY suspicious, something shady happened and Rogers County and the Claremore PD and the DA know what happened, and they're covering it up!!! He no longer has his life and I no longer have my son, HE SHOULD BE SITTING IN JAIL not dead. There is no police video even though there was a chase both in a car and on foot with 3 different areas in pursuit (we live in a small town these cops are just waiting for something to do in their fancy new cars with no video on them, so they say) surly one of them had some kind of cams on their cars or body, or in the sky. NOPE! NO VIDEO. WHY NOT??? They are also attempting to take my other son away by charging him with 1st degree murder. Claremore is the MOST corrupt City in Oklahoma.

  7. Just watched James Freeman video CLAREMORE OKLAHOMA POLICE DEPARTMENT
    I spent about 30 min searching for follow-up/outcome for Picture Perfect vs Sgt Book and could not find anything…

    The highest ya'll seemed to get was, deputy chief cox.

    So what happened? Is Book a dog catcher or is he still disfunctioning as a sergeant???

    Peace & be safe

  8. 1:01 Love your dog! Looks like a black version of my white one haha. It seems to be a common tactic where they do a twist and try to pull that "don't call 911" line when you called the non-emergency. 5:15 Love the long pause on the her end of the line. She was probably thinking "OMG…we have a citizen who knows his rights…cannot compute…cannot compute." LOL

  9. Your so fucking rude. All you do is embarrass yourself. You and your wife act like children when making those calls, which are ridiculous, at some point in life it's time to grow up. All you guys do is one makes a video and then you have your friends call in to make it look like concerned citizens are calling. Your just a scam and a YouTube. A bad one at that.

  10. I would Call the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education, which in Oklahoma is known as CLEET. They need to address this issues i believe you can file complaint with them to due to this issue problem.

  11. Fun fact about claremore city ordinances. One states that if somebody is stopped on foot and does not have a Claremore address or $5 in their pocket then its a contingency and that person can spend up to 30 days in jail without seeing the judge. This is why Claremore does not have homeless.

  12. I had Sgt. Book stop me for riding my bicycle on the south west corner of route 66 and highway 88 about 6 months ago. He claimed to stop me for riding my bike too close to dark without a headlamp. I wish i was tech savy because i would've recorded it. While he had me stopped on the corner of this busy intersection he insisted on searching my person. Having nothing to hide, i let him. He proceeded to ask me about my criminal history and when i told him that i did not have to disclose the information since it happened when i was a minor. Sgt. Book proceeded to tell me that since i had already brought that up then i had to tell him. I informed him that thats not how this works. He urged me to tell him once more and i told him that i plead the 5th. He proceded to tell me that by doing so meant that pleaing the 5th meant that i had to tell him. Once again i informed him that that is not how it works. Unsatisfied with my answers. He demanded my ID. When i gave him my Texas ID with my old Texas address. He demanded the address of where i was staying in town. I declined respectfully as i could. Then he asked for my phone number and i gave him an off the wall reply. "Why, do you wanna take me on a date?" i asked. I suppose he realized that he eas wasting everybodys time and backing up southbound 66 because he told me to walk my bike home. He also told me that if he caught me on it again then without a light that can be seen from infront of me for 1000 feet. Then he would confiscate my bike. I only live at max 300 yards from that intersection so once he left i proceeded to pedal home.

  13. You need to contact DA Janice Sheidey.. I think that's her name… . I'm not sure if she's out of the Claremore area or Tulsa… She knows how corrupt this police department really is… It's been a while back… I believe there was an officer that raped a woman… they officer wasn't very nice… They found out they were covering up his crimes… He has an accident. .and tried to cover it up as he hit a deer… I want to say they may have forgot to put complaint(s) in his file…. Im not sure if the police cheft resigned or was fired… This police station has a history of covering up police crime from the few videos I seen… it's on youtube… I believe there was something about new uniforms… Some of the same officers are in the video.. Their costumes went from green to what it is now.. The police chief is just as smug now as he was then… I didn't read through everything… but there was one youtube video… the first female police officer… It appears they have a new police chief…. but the crime coverup hasn't changed… I hope this helps you out..

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