Cop put in check – Armed fisherman ID REFUSAL – Everything Law and Order Blog

Volusia beach patrol
Officer Jenkins

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “Cop put in check – Armed fisherman ID REFUSAL”
  1. “I don’t understand why they don’t get the memo?”

    They did, it’s just that cops are proving what the public has said for years. “That cops are dumb and do not know law.”
    That’s why each new cop to arrive, tries to take charge and talk over you and other cops. They each are so sure that their partners just didn’t argue it right, or used the wrong law to bully and intimidate.
    *pretty much a “Nah, you got it wrong. Here watch me, I’ll show you how to get his ID.”
    Don’t believe me? Pay attention next time someone is denying a cops request for ID. If there’s 3 or more cops there, they all chirp away with different allegations.
    Which to me should be sufficient in court to have all charges tossed. REASONABLE articulable suspicion, where the REASONABLE part is referring to a majority of cops (if there’s 5 cops then to be reasonable 3 or more must agree). So if you have 3-4 cops each saying something different, then they don’t have RAS. Or worse they state trespass, but instead end up charging with disorderly.
    That should be enough proof that the cops were just making shit up. Possibly even evidence of conspiracy.

  2. Your Public Servants are why I don't like DeSantis as President. I must admit, my Connecticut Public Servants are also terrible. But no one is thinking about voting for Lamont as President. Florida has notoriously unaccountable Public Servants.

  3. Armed society is one where you get shot for accidentally cutting someone off in traffic, because …. road rage. So he baits cops so they are not doing their real job. How dangerous is fishing theses day? Or he just a frightened little man?

  4. It’s all about control and dominant’s, they know no laws or care, land of the fee home of the slaves 👮👺👮💩👮👺👮

  5. Welcome to the United police states of Amerikkka. Nothing will change until qualified immunity is abolish and the police union pays for all lawsuits.

  6. They got the memo, they don't care. and they want to push you till you mess up, then they will go all crazy on your ass, take your gun and other possessions along with your freedom. This is how tyrants work, just like school yard bullies.

  7. @JamesMadisonAudits can we find out what happened to the Volusia County Lifeguards getting rid of Ford F-150’s after they ran over the woman’s head on the beach? I know they were sued, but wondering why they’re still driving the F-150’s.

  8. The biggest thing I find the problem is if the citizens know more than you just shut up.
    Just because you are a authorized law enforcement officer doesn't mean that you know more than me.
    MY best response I love to hear from a cop is I have the right.

    Guess what the only thing is you have is the authority also you don't have any rights as a public servant.

    This is the problem with a public servant is they don't understand that the only authority that they have have is granted by law.

  9. Way to back up The Armed Fisherman!!!!
    The look on their faces when you talk their language !!
    They Always tuck tail and run….

  10. How on the world did Florida interpret the constitution to mean only when fishing ? It doesn't say anything about fishing at all ?

  11. If don't utilize your rights you can lose them.
    Just look at what is happening in Ukraine right now.

    That government understands the right to defend your self.

  12. Cops took oath of office to protect the Constitution not all of the unconstitutional laws illegally put onto paper.

  13. Damn. That is so annoying when cops slow roll you after asking for a supervisor. This guy was really good at it.. "I'm sorry?" He damn well heard you the first two times.

  14. Cops (and Govts. worldwide), has MURDERED MORE OF THEIR OWN CITIZENS, than ALL gang/criminal homicides that have occurred throughout all known history. Ponder that, and ponder it well.
    Only a corrupt/incompetent Govt. & Co. has reason to fear an armed Citizenry.
    Solo isn't continuing to suffer these as*hats' harassment via ignorance or accident. It is deliberate!

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