Cops Arrest Teen and Impound Dream Car

Cops Arrest Teen and Impound Dream Car

@Copwatchtv obtained body and dash camera footage of a teen who was caught by the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s deputies trying to flee a traffic stop.

The teen was known to post to social media of him aggressively driving and fleeing from police trying to pull him over. Through detective work the deputies were able to locate the teen at a local car wash spot.

Deputies moved in and surrounded his car. He tried to get away to no avail.

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.

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41 thoughts on “Cops Arrest Teen and Impound Dream Car

  1. When was the last time your lawyer told you to "be a man and admit anything to a lying cop "
    Is co vid still a thing or are those cops with masks ashamed of what they do for a living.

  2. That cop with the goatee was so condescending now I don’t know what happened but telling him he’s not an adult cos he didn’t know his social then getting the shits cos he wouldent confess isn’t right having said that I don’t know the whole situation

  3. What is with this kids haircut? The line up is terrible, is this something some teenagers like? I remember hearing about this when it happened, his parents have never taught him anything except self entitlement.

  4. I hope he wasn’t in Harvard through a scholarship or he just lost it. For someone who’s 19 and in Harvard I’d expect them to be more intelligent than this.

  5. The sheriff says u aren’t an adult yet if u don’t know ur social.. lmao. I think that was 1 of the sheriffs he lost in one of his videos bc he seems butt hurt..then that same sheriff gets even more butt hurt when the suspect is smart enough not to talk.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. His license should be revoked for a minimum of 3 years for driving like a clown. Driving at those speeds while trying to get away from police is absolutely ridiculous. They should also impound his car while his license is suspended and let him pay the tow yard for every day that it's in there. Maybe that'll make him realize that the laws do apply to him and hopefully deter him from doing the same thing in the future

  7. Look at the ridiculous smile on his face – he obviously finds this amusing. Well, with his low amount of brain cells he’s not able to see the seriousness of the situation 🤦🏻‍♀️

  8. I understand that fleeing or running from cops is serious, but was is necessary to allocate THAT MANY resources to ONE person ? They literally have like 20 cops there. Unnecessary. IMO 🤷🏽‍♂️

  9. Dream car? Bruh you can get a used hellcat right now for like $50k 😂😂 that’s nothing to rich parents. Dude clearly just young and tryna go viral .

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