Crescent city Cop BOUNCED after one question. Tiny violation. – Everything Law and Order Blog

Crescent city police first amendment audit.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “Crescent city Cop BOUNCED after one question. Tiny violation.”
  1. You can't ask someone if they have a medical exemption. Just because public officials are obligated to provide non-exempt information in a public records request, they absolutely do not have to disclose their personal medical information regardless of how self-entitled you feel. Second, he's issued a squad car. If you actually want to know the answer to your question, you ask admin staff in the office. Your question to him was obviously intended as harassment. If you're going to "audit" a governmental agency, try to be an adult about it.

  2. Perfect!!! Now the entire Crescent City Police Dept are suspended!! The entire Dept.!! Locked out of their own building people say this is unheard of even for a small town

  3. It’s not Volusia county. Crescent City is in Putnam County. You are about 5 miles north of Volusia County when you are in Crescent City. It is a beautiful town. I grew up there. Crescent City High School Class of 86! GO RAIDERS!

  4. You are a dip stick with no oil. You don't even know what county you were in. To much weed evidently, especially when you mentioned the sunflowers twice!! Mind you're town, we will mind ours in our own little way. No trouble makers allowed!! It is people like you who can't stand for a town to be a peaceful community without some derelict like you stirring up BS. If you have a problem with what I've said, feel free to look me up! I'll be glad to entertain any of your suggestions to make this town better as far as the AS1 line you have a fetish with and trying to chase 1 police officer down! Evidently you have no life what so ever. Other than that, you my friend rode a motorized vehicle on our sidewalks which is against the law!! Don't try the gas versus electric, that's the law of Crescent City, LIKE IT OR NOT. Have a nice life in another town sir!

  5. Pretty sad when you people sitting around making judgements on people based on a clip of something you really know nothing about. You could tell this fool filming and talking is looking for something to find fault with. Go back to the description of the code enforcement car, what business of his what's inside. Putnam county is the 3rd poorest county in Florida and he didn't even know what town he was in. The police station is in the center of town and our officer may have just been inside and was preparing for anything. Who knows. I certainly don't blame him for not engaging with a stranger that was obviouly looking for a confrontation of some kind or could have been setting the officer up for something. Bunch of nitwits.

  6. Many police vehicles have dark window tints to protect the identity of the officer or officers. Dark window tinting protects the identity of the subject in the back during high profile cases. Some grades of tint are used to prevent the windows from breaking.

  7. Most of the people in Crescent city are super nice. There is an amazing restaurant called The River pub in Georgetown on 309. I love our town. If you don't like it keep on rolling by

  8. You probably couldn't find him at the river because you didn't head towards the river since the river doesn't go through Crescent City. You went towards Lake Stella I'd bet he was at Lake Crescent by the school. Was there ever a follow up on this? I'm invested in this tint issue now.

  9. Haha A River? Crescent City has no Rivers only lakes and one of the best festivals on Earth. The police officers are all about this town we even workout with them at the local gym. The dude didn’t have time for your silly window tint issues. It’s Florida and even boats have limo tint. So keeps scoot scooting on your robot

  10. You don't even know what county he is in and don't know the difference between a small land locked lake and a river. I agree about the window tint, however you end up sounding like a little butt hurt Bitch. Pathetic!

  11. Another rude punk LEO. They believe they are better than the public they are supposed to serve. In reality, they are our minions and are supposed to do the right thing. The "THICK BLUE LYING"

  12. I think that cop stole black plastic from the local builder, the stuff that goes under concrete and put it on the car windows.

  13. You are all disgusting. This officer did nothing wrong! You make him seem like a bad guy but you were bothering him whilst he was minding his own business. Leave the officers alone!

  14. Comkn…there are 2 levels of tint allowed by the law…1 level for civilians and a higher level for law enforcement!! How do you not know this????

  15. 446 T U ! I WEAR MY SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT. I have the same deal on my truck about 1/2 in below .I pulled into a gas station here in Deland and a deputy noticed it and said he would give me a break .I told him I would do the same for him not just for the 1/2 below but also for his ILLEGAL window tint on his unmarked car.He laughed and left.

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