@Copwatchtv obtained body camera footage of an incident where a man was trying to rob a bank for a second time in a month. The teller recognized the robber and gave him over $2,000 in cash.
A man noticed this happening and decided to tackle the robber and prevent him from leaving until police arrived.
The robber was charged with robbery and it is unclear if this will be turned into a federal case.
This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.
Good promotion for Mexicans. All the good guys are Mexican and the criminal, drug addict is white or something like that, hard to make out the race of skeletor.
Would you care for a ham and cheese sammi? Mustard or mayo? We have regular white or rye today sir…
The cop knew he half-assed the heist to get off the streets and out of the cold. Not a hardened crim.
Why do drug addicts look like drug addicts. Does it morphed their faces into the same look. Makes it hard not to profile them.
Interesting…the bank gives up all that cash to the cops…lol
Well good to know where the fake bills are….LOL
I'd be pissed if only reason I got caught was cause other people in bank figured out I was robbing it. Pretty stupid really on robber.
Wow this happened two days ago you already got body cam and uploaded it?
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Good job, everyone

Banks rob us of BILLIONS and wont ever see a day in Jail yet we have these Hero-Clowns here defending them. SMH!!

Thanks to the guys on scene for risking injury to stop this clown!!!!!!!
So he got away with it the first time wasn't smart enough to stop and now he's going to go down for both of them

The mayor of Albuquerque and the governor of New Mexico are both on the side of criminals, not the law. Crime has increased greatly because the criminals are set free because "gosh, they're poor, don't blame them." It's out of control. Cops usually don't even respond. If the citizens didn't stop the guy — he'd be well on his way. There's a reason why the bystanders took action; its a lawless place now. Criminals are bold and many business have shut down because of crime. It's a shame.
Those employees better get an extra bonus for Christmas
What I want to know, was all that cash accounted for…..:}
Bandana Bank robber watching too many western movies "stick em up"
skipped over the civilians stopping the robbery… WTF?
Can you please not show previews of what happens in the first 45 seconds?
I am sure his cancer stick helps him a LOT!
poor homeless leave him free
The guy should go direct to jail and none of this nice favour as here is water.
I want to see the tackle!!!!!
granpa got layed out lmao
I stole a Grape a few years ago
Man that AI voice really ruins the vibe.
That's just DUMB
Really enjoyed it! Looking forward to more videos!

I turned this video on to my boyfriend and now he's convinced he has hidden talents too. Funny, but scary
Si notre quotidien était aussi amusant que de regarder cette vidéo, je ne me lasserais jamais des relations