Drunk Teen Totals Parked Fire Truck with Her Car – Everything Law and Order Blog

@Copwatchtv obtained body camera footage of an incident involving a teen drunk driver. A 19-year-old was driving past a car accident with injuries. The teen decided to turn in the way of a fire truck and hit the vehicle. It totaled both vehicles and the Albuquerque Police Department decided to starting a drunk driving investigation.

The teen was charged with a DWI.

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.

26 thoughts on “Drunk Teen Totals Parked Fire Truck with Her Car”
  1. Wow that’s ridiculous just another spoiled little girl that mommy and daddy probably saved and bought her another car dwi is a misdemeanor risking killing people this 19 yr old kid could have killed a lot of innocent people that night I think dwi should be a felony

  2. I know the girl who crashed into the fire truck was in the wrong but for almost her entire encounter with the male officer she was as respectful and cooperative as she could be especially after drinking and that cop was pretty rude to her, he ran through the instructions so fast and so SLURRED himself that I could barley understand him stone cold sober and then gets frustrated with her for asking questions to make sure she understood and can do it just as described? I understand he may have to do a hundred field sobriety tests in a day, but you chose to be a cop, you are aware that sometimes you’re seeing people at their worst or on their worst day, and I would have understood if she had a huge attitude, was being disrespectful or hateful and nasty towards him, but part of you’re job is also to have patience and compassion for the people in your community and she was so respectful and tried to follow all of his orders as best she could, EVERYONE makes mistakes and if he treats someone like her who’s showing him the upmost respect then he’s too burnt out to continue this job and needs to find a new line of work I can’t imagine how he treats people who are more difficult to handle, people who have serious mental illnesses or people who just have serious problems in general.

  3. I would hate to have this officer give me instructions if I was sober none the less drunk. He talks really fast and has slurred speech that would make it hard to understand with fully intact faculties. I can only imagine what it sounded like to her lmao.

  4. I thought the point of the body cam is to have video of the encounter and to have video of the tests performed. He didn't have his camera on her the whole time during the walk & turn test. I always see the officers back up so their body cams will be able to catch the entirety of every test & have the proof they need to show how many signs of impairment they show during the tests, especially if the officers are tall. I don't understand why he didn't do that. Many lawyers will try to use that as an advantage for their clients. It was clear as day she was intoxicated.

  5. It's refreshing to see someone being respectful and accepting responsibility. She's also clearly remorseful and appears as though she's definitely learned a valuable lesson from it, unlike most DUI videos we see. She wasn't hammered, but underage is 0.0 or 0.02 depending where it is, and it was still enough to contribute to the accident. Thankfully she didn't hurt anyone.

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