In this video, CIVIL UNREST NEWS contacts the USPS Postal Inspectors Office during an audit and gets confirmation straight from the source on the validity of Poster 7 giving citizens the right to video INSIDE or OUTSIDE of ANY USPS Post Office. This is a win for us all folks, MUST SEE!! (mirrored with permission from CIVIL UNREST NEWS, check out his channel!!) Link to original video:


We believe that many of our rights and civil liberties as American citizens on American soil are at great risk and that a simple act of civil disobedience has the power to effect great change. While we have no interest or intention in breaking any law, we are willing to stand up for freedom and the constitution at any time and at any place and do so in a responsible and productive manner. It is our goal to create free and open discussion whenever possible in an effort to educate both ourselves and anyone with a desire to learn. A well known rule of government is that ignorance is no excuse for the law. It is our stand that we as Americans have been either uninformed or misinformed regarding our laws and rights for far too long. We are not attorneys or scholars, however we have been involved in professional photography for over 30 years and have had our rights and freedoms challenged more times than we can remember. No one group or person has the ability to effect change across the board, however we are committed to doing our part by continuing to stand up for our constitutional right to free press and the right to take photographs and video in public. All donations will be used exclusively to further this cause. Specifically, we  need to upgrade our computer, video editing software and purchase additional video gear. We want to thank you in advance for your support of what we do and want you to know that we are committed to working harder than ever to defend our rights, your rights and the Freedom to Film in Public!!
Link to GoFundMe:

This video if for educational purposes only.
Unless otherwise specifically stated, all content, images and video are copyright 2018-2019 Amagansett Press (TM)

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “First Amendment AUDIT POSTER 7 RIGHT UPHELD by POSTAL INSPECTOR – *mirrored CIVIL UNREST NEWS audit”
  1. You may have the right but you can’t force people to apologize, . Her boyfriend had every right to confront you as long as he diidnt touch you . Forcing apologies will not change people’s thoughts. It makes you look like an asshole . Snitching to their boss to try to make them bow before you. I’d still call you an asshole if I were them. It’s my 1st amendment right .and you can go whine and call back the wasmbulance. Because many people including top watchdog groups across the country thinks that you guys are domestic terrorists

  2. That be lying through his teeth cop is you can go anywhere an and film the post office. Inside and outside public property. And they cannot trust pass you on public property they got to have proper calls

  3. OUSTANDING JOB! Best P.O. audit I have ever seen.. including AP's. Extra props for getting right back on the horse. A+ But this is still not 100% settled. There are exceptions to Poster 7 re video. Regular employees don't have authority to stop you, but poster 7 says the Postmaster does. So the inspector may have said you were 100% within your rights cuz he knew the postmaster could not have kicked you out (cuz he's on vacation). Then of course there is the question of whether or not the exceptions to poster 7 are constitutional (for example he may have the authority to kick you out but only in certain circumstances… like if you are causing a disturbance or there is a an emergency like a gas leak or bomb threat. Or maybe he can kick you out for cause but has no need to tell you, Or maybe he can kick you out for no reason at all. So I'd love to know about the exceptions to the exceptions… if you ever find out post and let us know.

  4. But what about this? Does it supersede Poster 7? It says you can't film employees or customers
    Informal snapshots from handheld cameras for personal use may be allowed at the postmaster’s discretion provided that there is no disruption to Postal Service operations and that the pictures are taken from areas accessible to the public. In these cases, no prior permis­sion is required from the Office of Rights and Permissions; however, no lighting or scaffolding may be set up, and no picture can depict any Postal Service employee, customer, security camera, or cover of mail (i.e., the exterior of a mail­piece, which would show customer name and address among other things). Postmasters may restrict any and all photography if they determine that it is disruptive or there are potential security concerns.

  5. That douchebag with the marine hat is calling others "just another democrat" while he himself is just another conservative in name only. These wannabe tough guys who suck up to anything vaguely suggesting authority, while thinking of themselves as bAdAsS fReEdOm wArRiOrS.. Absolute cognitive dissonance.

  6. Great job young man. It's amazing to me the ridiculous attitude people pretend to have, the lady Kathy didn't seem concerned at all, until that
    Lunatic showed up & acting as a postal employee. What a dangerous thing to do to customers. & the disgraceful closing down a
    Gov't building, just because Kathy listened to a boyfriend of the postal master???? Can you imagine A cop had you detained, & he had to take a pre wee???? & has his girlfriend put you in cuffs for no reason, & the girlfriend takes away your rights. Your lucky the boyfriend didn't smack you. Then like to the cops about you abusing the postal worked, Kathy.
    Boyfriend & cop looked friendly to each other??
    GOV'T workers,
    Birds of a feather, flock together.


  7. ive watched just about every 1st amendment audits on you tube over the last year. but this was the best ive seen. thank you for doing what you do. im looking forward to watching the rest of your audits. thanks again

  8. Bullcrap! Kathy was not in fear of anything. She is only acting because she thinks by saying she's sooo scarededed that this whole damsel in distress bs will keep her from getting in trouble. This is the very reason that I don't like women and I'm one of them lol

  9. This guy did a wonderful job, I totally understand his first day questioning the right to film and I commend him for his honesty on that. we have all been so brainwashed and conditioned that its easy to question our own sanity at times, but this was a great example and he did it very respectfully and in the end, educated at least 6 more people in person not to mention his YouTube audience. Great job man and I thank you for a wonderful job well done.

  10. Hours and hours of watching videos of other idiots failing just as quickly didn't teach you a damn thing about not wasting everybody's time including your own. Go home and get a life.

  11. Why is the supervisors boyfriend hanging all over the place of work and giving employees demands like he own the place. Then they wanna lock the door like its not a place of business. They should charge cop callers when there us no crime it will stop alot of false reports.

  12. Well you sure dont want to be called out do you.. when the camera guy is NOT calling you. You should deal with the people who call you and tell them they are committing an offence by wasting police time.

  13. Dude… I would think this also applies for social security buildings too right? They have the same poster up in there. I got charged with photography and disturbance for quietly videoing in there. Judge found me guilty! I'm debating if I should appeal. The prosecutor dropped the photography charge but I was guilty on disturbance for filming. Crazy. The judge said I had no rights to be in a federal building recording. My camera caused a disturbance.

  14. Great Audit! One of the few times you can hear and see the employees get educated right in front of you and hear their responses after the lesson!

  15. Jason, get and keep that Inspectors number on you as well, I bet it would come in handy for ya … 😉 I so enjoy your educational content you sir are a true inspiration … THANK YOU from a grateful Vermont citizen and be safe out there good sir.

  16. Join Gun Owners of America: @t
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    Federal Resister Re; Open Public Comment Period:


  17. There is absolutely no expectation of privacy in public. If you want privacy then create it by staying home or going somewhere that is private. Don't try to make us photographers and videographers bow down to you because you do not want to be in photographs or videos. That is plain nonsense. I commend this auditor and all other auditors for the job they are doing. Keep up the great work.

  18. This whole building needs to be cleaned. Supervisors sending boyfriend to intimidate people. Clerk locking the door and refusing business.

    Fire the whole bunch.

  19. WTF ?!?!? This Guy Who Does NOT Work For The Post Office, Storms In Being A Complete ASS! Who Does He Think He Is? His Nasty Attitude Is Going To Earn Him An Ass Whooping One Day.

    Idiot Guy "He's Standing In The Lobby Disturbing Everything" …. Mean While NOTHING Is Going On, No One Else Is Even In The Building.

    It's CRAZY To Me How People Try To Get Innocent People Locked Up In A CAGE For Absolutely Nothing!

  20. My wife is a manager at the local PO. In 2019 she has 14 auditurds like you come in the PO. She just shows idiots like you Poster 7 where it states no filming can occur without the permission of the postmaster or the person in charge. If dweebs do not leave, she just sprays mace in the face, calls the police and has them arrested. Several have tried to sue her and the PO, but never win. You sick fucks have some sort of mental disease. No wonder all of you are on SSI or food stamps and ebeg all the time.

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