Grateful to all those who came before me and my 90 day mark on YouTube. – Everything Law and Order Blog

just expressing my gratitude to all those that came before me and are trudging this road alongside me. Also today my channel celebrates 90 days of being published.

grateful to all those whobcame out to POETIC’s court date today and to the Hemming law firm.

If you’d like to donate to the cause and help keep me on the road:

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Grateful to all those who came before me and my 90 day mark on YouTube.”
  1. 90 days and 9.3K SUBS! It's all your doing man! You are the one that makes your videos awsome. By the way, my wife is always asking me to check to see if you have any new videos out. Keep them cumming bro!!!

  2. Let’s all be honest about the massive growth in subscribers: “is your mom on parole?” 😀 😀

  3. Pasted from what I think is your original Burbank airport video.
    Incredible video and amazing job you did making it. With all of my years recording police and even after studying this for a cheat sheet I don't think I could beat it if I had the rest of my life to try. Plenty of times I might enter a situation like this feeling calm cool and collected but it is difficult to keep things focused and headed the right direction & especially when you do not have control of all of the elements involved. I didn't come here to compliment you but I needed to get it out of the way before I could get to the point. I need to talk to you. Can you email me at so I can respond? Thanks.
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  4. Incredible video and amazing job you did making it. With all of my years recording police and even after studying this for a cheat sheet I don't think I could beat it if I had the rest of my life to try. Plenty of times I might enter a situation like this feeling calm cool and collected but it is difficult to keep things focused and headed the right direction & especially when you do not have control of all of the elements involved. I didn't come here to compliment you but I needed to get it out of the way before I could get to the point. I need to talk to you. Can you email me at so I can respond? Thanks.

  5. You should create a LLC…. it is easy… and cheap… One person can establish a Limited Liability Corporation, and in most states you can register and tag your vehicles under the name of the corporation. I was told this tip by an attorney that represented people in police abuse cases. That way when they run your tag, it will come back to the company…. Of corse with some investigation they could find the owners name, but it is not easy…..And in some states it falls under privileged information, requiring a court order. Be safe, keep up the fight…

  6. Subscribed after your first or second day after posting the debut video…May have only been on for 90 days but the smart-assitude is at the 900 day mark. Keep up the great content.

  7. Revolution in their minds the children start to march
    Against the world in which they have to live
    And all the hate that's in their hearts
    They're tired of being pushed around
    And told just what to do
    They'll fight the world until they've won
    And love comes flowing through, yeah

    Children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
    Will the sun rise up tomorrow bringing peace in any way?
    Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?
    Can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear, yeah

    So you children of the world,
    Listen to what I say
    If you want a better place to live in
    Spread the words today
    Show the world that love is still alive you must be brave
    Or you children of today are children of the grave, yeah

  8. Never be discouraged by those who take offence at the truth. They are stupid. Stupidity is an incurable disease you are either born with or acquire by being in close proximity to other stupid people. My dad used to say. “The trouble with stupid people, is they’re too stupid to know they’re stupid.” Remember, if there are no stupid people, we would have one less thing to be amused by. So I guess they serve a purpose, kinda like mosquitoes.

  9. You're doing a great job Johnny. I love your quick wit and your ability to be steadfast when unrealistic authority tries to bully you.
    It seems like your wife is supportive too.
    I was preparred to start auditing over a year ago before I got injured on the job, and then I got chest high in Family court issues. (There is a corrupt system that desperately needs to be exposed.) I am supposed to keep my nose clean, while my ex violates court orders without repercussions.
    I hope to be publishing some videos in the future when my legal issues are over.
    Even though I am not going out to do audits at this time, I am always ready to record any interraction that pertains to our Constitutionally protected rights.
    Keep up the work. I hope you reach a point where your pass audits far outway the fails.

  10. LOL @ "fetal position rocking themselves to sleep." Man you say the funniest shit. You wit is on point all the time…

  11. Fantastic show of support from you all which seems to be having an impact one way or another. Long may you continue to exercise your rights.

  12. Johnny five O your a Rock Star at Clay Lacy, Good to se the Justice League at Poetics Court Day Keep up the Accountability 👍😀

  13. 90 days may not sound like a lot, but you have all the right tools brother. At first I thought yo'ur humor might distract from the core patriot issue of protecting us fro'm the onslaught of the Police state by using the Constitution, as both a weapon and a shield. NNH was my idea of an example of a perfect auditor. But your style of LMAO quips may actually attract the army of auditors required to take our country back. Thank You for your service.

  14. Remember, it took a few good men in Concord to send a message to the King of England (substitute US Gov here) that the people of this land WILL BE TREATED AS EQUALS IN THE EYES OF THE LAW not as subjects to people with guns and badges and uniforms who CLAIM authority over citizens.
    To be FREE truly, we MUST be FREE to decline protection from federal, state and local DPs UNLESS WHAT WE ARE DOING WILL CAUSE HARM TO OTHER CITIZENS.
    Vids and pics DO NOT HARM people, PEOPLE harm people.
    But what if the bad people use them to plan an attack? You say.
    Well let break it down to its simplest. A bad guy gets up, goes out to a tree, cuts a branch off with an ax and sharpens one end with a sea urchin. He then takes that spear, calls uber to get a ride to Ducks Sporting Good. At Ducks he buys some nonslip grip salve used by bowlers to smear on his spear to get a better grip.
    Now he gets on a bus heading to a Eskimo Transgender Nazis for the ethical treatment of planters warts convention downtown.
    On the way he uses his phone to call up Google earth to get a layout of the arena that the convention is being held in.
    He gets off the bus and uses an acme jet pack to fly towards the event.
    Once above it he cuts the thrusters and parachutes onto the roof.
    He uses a hammer from Menards to bust open the door, runs down the stairs, boards an elevator and rides it down to the convention floor.
    The doors open and he jumps out and starts kababing Nazi Eskimos.
    27 are injured before a well placed hiel salute to the groin brings him down.
    Arrested and cuffed he is thrown in an igloo to chill.
    NOW.. WHERE do we start banning things to make sure this does not happen again?
    Tree branches, axes, sea urchins, ubering with sticks, bowlers grip, buses, Google maps, public sidewalks, jet packs, parachutes, hammers, stairs, elevators?
    Maybe to make them less accessible we should impose regulations and registrations on them?
    You see people… PERSONAL protection IN A FREE SOCIETY is incumbent UPON THE INDIVIDUAL…or else the country and state takes over that task and REDEFINES social behavior in such a way that citizens DEPEND on gov officials to keep them safe.
    AND WHEN WE GIVE THE AUTHORITY TO KEEP US SAFE WE GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO TELL US "HOW" THE WANT US TO ACT so THEY don't have to work so hard at it, THUS eroding freedom for safety…
    End of rant

  15. My initial encounter with 1st amendment audits was your John Dohle adventure. Had to watch it twice 'cos I laughed too much. Now I am totally addicted. You are my Hero. (Mrs. 5.0, I have no ill intent.) Thank you so very much for doing this crazy, lovely thing!

  16. Great work on the videos love watching all your audits keep up the excellent work and tell misses 5 O I said hello hope to see her on some audits as well peace out bro

  17. Diamond lane? Is that a league of legends reference? Anyway I looked at the cost of bussing down their once NNH told me he was flying in. Almost did it but I needed to save my money because I'm still in the middle of a bunch of stuff. Plus a 40 hour round trip bus ride would have knocked me down for about a week.

  18. I've been watching all the auditors for a very long time and I don't just keep finding all the new ones and I sub to all the 1st amendment auditors,as I know what they are doing and it is for a great cause they are doing good for all of us and I appreciate them more than you can imagine, keep up the good fight for our rights. Peace and love to you all

  19. I see you are continuing your quest to find something darker than black. This video is pretty damn black. Are you the Clay Lacy booking agent for the auditors' flights? How did NNH avoid the "no fly list?"

  20. There are other ways to poke the Bear!
    Also, only a fool hires an attorney.
    You guys poke the bear with 1st amendment audits and yet you are not a party to the constitution UNLESS you agree to be a US Citizen. IF you agree to be a US Citizen, then you just fucked yourself.
    The Organic Constitution was set aside by Abraham Lincoln.
    I respect your motive for doing all this but all of you guys have your head up your collective asses when it comes to reality of this matter.
    Thumbs Down, Unsubscribed.
    You guys are unbelievably ignorant.

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