He’s angry! Lake worth is shutting power off amidst CoronaVirus. – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Excerpt from palm
Beach post: Thursday night’s Lake Worth Beach city commission meeting turned into a screaming, name-calling, finger-pointing affair between Commissioner Omari Hardy on one side and Mayor Pam Triolo and City Manager Michael Bornstein on the other.
The fiery point of contention – who among city leaders has emergency powers during the coronavirus crisis

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


50 thoughts on “He’s angry! Lake worth is shutting power off amidst CoronaVirus.”
  1. She is a RINO. There is no way with her values and ideals she could ever be a Republican. I know an attorney that was running for a judgeship position and I asked him if he was going to run as a Republican. He stated that the only way he would ever have a chance of winning was to run as a Democrat. This happens all the time all over the country.

  2. Many large cities are suspending shutting off power during this crisis. It would be nice to hear the background on how this city isn't doing that.

  3. Hey Hardy, the white racist board is not on your side. Let me please correct you….it's not a banana republic, it's a white racist board.

  4. This is what the majority of these pathetic so called leaders are..a bunch of fat, ugly, old farts who have borderline Alzheimer's sitting around in a room who are COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH with the average working person and who ONLY care about getting re-elected and staying in their position of authority and power by catering to banks, special interests and their own wants and NEEDS!!

    This is why nothing changes and in fact things only get worse as society is a reflection of the character and lack of morals, intellect and common sense of those people who are in charge!!

    That is also why George Washington (I believe) once said that power should ONLY BE GIVEN to those who DO NOT SEEK IT, NOR WANT IT Because those are the people that are faar more apt to do what's right.
    It's also why TERM LIMITS are sooo important because even a person that starts out as being moral can become corrupted by that authority and power and eventually turn into a tyrant or despot in time!!

  5. Another shit show of a county board that refuses to follow their charter and the laws of the land. Leaders, your time is almost up

  6. Thank God for this man standing up for the people in his town that this city manager obviously cares nothing about until election time!!!!!

  7. He should be the one in charge! He cares more about this then the so-called mayor that walks away because she can't even own up to her mistakes.

  8. Why are so many large audit channels pretend this is a scam to gain control of the people. When it's the absolute opposite, and its time to expose how shitty our government works "for the peoole".

  9. He doesn't sound wrong if he is truthful. That woman acted just like a stereotypical politician. More about 'spin' than about truth. FLA; winning the WTF award every day.

  10. Florida, you better take your politicians in hand or pay the consequences and end up like California. You are not slaves to your local twats.

  11. Kudos for that fella, Fighting for the people of his Community, his city. That old bird is pissed cos he is questioning their actions. Bless the old dude, he is only there for the free coffee and easy access to toilet roll!!

  12. The city manager just wants to know is, does the recess mean we can have milk and cookies now. It only takes a good man to stand up, way to go commissioner Hardy, put the bimbo tyrant in her place.

  13. That wench will have the local police issuing millions of dollars worth of frivolous traffic tickets to recover lost revenue , just as every other municipality across the USA will be doing to their citizens as soon as the self Quarantine is over.
    Traffic cops will be the next nation wide epidemic after COVID-19 and do far much more harm to the people of this land.

  14. Politics in the US attracts the absolute worst, sub-human scum. When you see an actual human being mixed in with politicians they really stand apart.

  15. Please the people of this city do not vote for her again, she could obviously care less. It’s a good thing these are taped, more people need to watch these

  16. But next cycle the idiots will revote that democrate moron back in for another term!!!!

  17. This mayor and actions sums up the US government the man just expose her of her wrongdoings, the people are able to investigate all their local public officials just like this man stood up people stand up first amendment press

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