High Desert Community Watch calls my terminally ill wife, now deceased, a “fucking crack whore” – Everything Law and Order Blog

Felipe Hemming, https://youtu.be/lgMfz_ymzVk, is sent by the alphabets (FBI/CIA/NSA etc) to infiltrate the first amendment auditing community. He had Phillip Hernandez aka HDCW confront me in a courthouse dowtown Los Angeles, in order to provoke my punching HDCW. there were a few of “Team Hemming” people filming this incident. Phil Margulies aka News Now California being the main camera guy.

Their plan backfired. Who says this about someone’s dying wife? Karma’s a bitch. My wife died in late November of 2018. If that wasn’t bad enough, Felipe Hemming, adam kratt aka California Guardian, were commenting that they believe I killed my wife Tara. it simply doesn’t get any lower than that.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


35 thoughts on “High Desert Community Watch calls my terminally ill wife, now deceased, a “fucking crack whore””
  1. Much respect Johnny 5-0 fuck high desert he’s a pussy and a fuck bitch fuck him support n I’m here for u

  2. So rather than working it out like TWO GROWN MEN, YOU embark on an internet smear campaign? SERIOUSLY? You need of bunch of drone to validate you? I don't know the details. But it seems to me that BOTH OF YOU NEED TO GROW THE FUCK UP. And this Youtube campaign of yours just plain CHILDISH. HOLD ON! I'm going to say something fucked up. I dropped a bomb on your house! So just because I SAID it. Has your house blown up? POINT TAKEN?

  3. Johnny don't be upset angry or hate but feel sorry for such a pitiful excuse of a human being Philip is. About 1100th of a man as you. Be careful being white in the auditing world here in Cali is not what they like. Its racism at its best. No matter which way it goes its fucked up. He is a fraud and a puppet. He needs prayer

  4. I watched his videos when I first started watching you guys but quickely got turned off because he is a complete asshole. Sorry Johnny 🙁 Your wife deserves respect but unfortunately HDCW doesn't know what that really is even though he demands it from everyone else. Must be his height complex and the fact that he has to attack woman when they are not interested. After all, no one ever says 'I want a small one' LOL

  5. Hearing this made me very sick in my stomach I can't believe High Desert said that to your wife I definitely unsubscribe of high desert last week sorry for your loss Johnny stay strong buddy👍👍🙏🙏

  6. I had know idea this happened ! I am sorry for your loss . what was the fight about I wonder ? regardless what it was over that was some ate up shit to say to anyone

  7. HD is a fucking punk bitch. To say that about someone's wife who's dying is beyond fucked. Especially from someone who, "fights the good fight" for our rights. Kind of hard to do that when you're a bitch.

  8. Long time time fan Johnny. Thank you for exposing this little weasel. I hope he loses all his subs and has to go back to odd jobs.

  9. Anyone who says, I'm a man, I m a man, I'm a big man usually don't believe he's a man himself and wants to convince everyone that he is a man….strange for a man who does that…

  10. So many on here fucking moaning about any ones right to FREE SPEECH , YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITES , What up with your precious 1st amend or is only what you say protected , only YOUR ABUSIVE WORDS ARE PROTECTED , STFU CRY BABY CUNTS , YOUR FEELINGS DONT TRUMP MY RIGHTS . aUDITORS LIKE TO SAY THAT TO EVERY ONE ELSE , NOW ITS YOUR FKN TURN FK YOU

  11. It's hurtful and in my opinion wrong for anyone to say such things BUT Dont fkn cry now when you have been shoving your 1st amendment down others throats , Ist Amendment protected speech your feelings dont over rule HDCW ist amendment , Hmm you auditors seem to say that alot

  12. Why hasn't anyone ever knocked HDCW out? Isn't he like 5 feet tall? He talks like a hard ass, but is in reality a pipsqueak. I'd bet kids in middle school could kick his ass.

  13. I now officially HATE HDCW & the HEMMINGS! No couth, no intelligence, let alone even a shred of human decency! Unsubbed and unfriended! Unfuckinbelievable!
    ++++And Johnny, I know it's hard for you to participate in high school drama- now that you're a grown man. So, thank you for showing those of us who had no idea about the inhumane, scum sucking, wastes of space we have been associating with! I am so sorry you and your beautiful wife have been attacked so evilly by these ignorant devil advocates!++++

  14. I will knock you the fuck out😂😂

    HD is always saying this. He really needs to shut the hell up, little troll not bout that Life.

  15. Jokes on us, kennedy was NOT assassinated! the entire hoax was staged! Knights of Malta dont assassinate other Knights of Malta. wake up people!

  16. Man, i used to really think rather highly of hdcw at one point. For a very very long time he was the only auditor i watched.

    What a piece of shit he is

  17. Dude let it go! Your letting someone's actions control and manipulate you. Forget about these assholes and focus your energy on something productive.

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