How to be most PETTY cop! Writes ticket on private property. – Everything Law and Order Blog

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


42 thoughts on “How to be most PETTY cop! Writes ticket on private property.”
  1. Leon Valley Police dept has had many problems with their police dept. thinking that they are above the law

  2. I'll bet that when the law abiding citizen used the word "subjugate", Officer Porky was completely flummoxed, as his 'education' in getting his GED, did NOT cover the use of "big words'
    This is exactly why, NO member of law enforcement deserves ANY respect.
    I also wonder if the revenue generated by issuing these tickets on PRIVATE property is shared with the business owners on that property, or IF their municipal taxes are reduced.
    WHY was Officer Pigg in the parking lot to begin with, taking a nap, munching a doughnut, meeting up with a badge bunny, WHY wasn't he out working?
    Further confirmation that "ONLY the scum of the earth" are "good enough" to become members of law enforcement.

  3. Swearing an oath to uphold the constitution is a BS formality because they are given permission to lie to the public. How can you take an oath for a job but your job allows you lie. The investigation tactic they called “ruse” should be banned.

  4. Keep us updated on. this one?? I'm hoping the guy files an official complaint and law suit after the ticket is dismissed!

  5. They are pathetic individuals totally lacking common decency , integrity a d honour, it's clear the cop is a Pathetic excuse for a man.

  6. Where the f**k do they get these dumb cops from. A f**king Mental Institution? The incredibly low IQ of these idiots makes you wonder how this country can be protected by such injudicious, imprudent and brainless fools. Protect and serve? My ass.

  7. Ironically, this may be the actual first time that I can see how everyone feels that their perspective is "correct" when they explain it for what they know. This is a prime example why communication is the NUMBER ONE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS WORLD. And just how fast people double down to their perspective instead of the ENTIRE SITUATION as it unfolds when they're offered minimal input as to the entire situation OR being told that their perspective isn't correct.

    I'm still not a fan of police policing private property but I can also understand why property owners invite them onto the property.

  8. It doesn’t matter WHAT a cop says, his supervisor will ALWAYS AGREE WITH HIS OFFICER! Right or wrong, moral or IMMORAL, the Blue Line Nazi code is INVIOLABLE!

  9. This is why you never trust the police they are just getting money for the city they don't care about anything else just money pussy ass cops scary of everything 4 cops for a traffic stop what pussy

  10. Arguing with the cops at the scene rarely works. They will never admit they screw up, we’re wrong, or otherwise. They are going to do what they do. I surprised they didn’t arrest this guy.

  11. Haven't seen or heard anything from Leon Valley Texas in a long time.
    You would think they would have learned how to be proper Police by now and especially after everything that has happened there.

  12. So.. does this mean that anytime you pull into a parking lot, you have to exit by the same route you entered???? He pulled in… sign on the door said closed…. he DID NOT loiter…he exited the property!!

  13. The cop is a jackass. These sss cops want to protect and serve safely 😂😅😂😊.
    The cop doesn't need protection cause he's a one man army crusader. The cop has an out of country accent.

  14. the driver thinks the policeman is pulling him over for driving through parking spaces, an the policeman is pulling him over for cutting through the parking lot to avoid the red light. When it goes to court and the driver plays his dashcam it should solve the issue, if he said "great it's closed" that would prove he was actually going to a business. Case dismissed.

  15. You do know that state statute says that law enforcement officers are allowed to violate traffic laws while in performance of their duties right?

  16. Hahaha 🤣 Facts… Pound Sand Blue Line Road Pirate… Another Case of Dashcam by the Citizen will Save him in Court. Lies, Lies and More Lies that's All The Tyrants know. PRIVATE PARKING LOT

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