I Don’t Like Police… Unless They Are Forcing You To Wear A Mask – Everything Law and Order Blog

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43 thoughts on “I Don’t Like Police… Unless They Are Forcing You To Wear A Mask”
  1. Look up a German virologist named Stefan Lanka and the $100k LEGAL challenge he put out to any dr or scientist that could prove the existence of "viruses". One young shill dr took him up on it. He fought him all the way to the supreme court on the measels "virus" and won. The conditions exist but not due to a made up pathogen.
    Viruses dont exist and Rona is a hoax.
    I have an old video of him on my channel explaining the diagnosing of HIV/AIDS as a scam based on CIRCULAR REASONING.
    All sicknesses are due to an over toxic body, bad diet and life style.
    They killed the president of tanzania who exposed the PCR test as fraudulent which he called out from the start and advising the people against vaccination.
    Just like they killed the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis right before they started with the rona hoax in wuhan. Mullis was calling out Fauci as a con and paid actor fraud. I have the vid on my account

  2. I think Doctor Faucki was at the woke Stuperbowl in the halftime show dancing. That guys is so logistically inclined!
    Black and White Sports missed this one. Darn!
    Lol this is gold! Pure Gold I tell ya!

  3. Masks don't work, they only spread diseases and cause bacterial infections and CO2 poisoning. This whole bullshit is ridiculous, and I'm not believing for one second that this fake-demic is real

  4. C'mon mr freeman your gnna tell me your a republican/conservative next?? Why the hate on masks when ppl are dying n shit

    The cloth masks just stop your spit particles when talking from going everywhere. If you want to try prevent yourself from inhaling any spit particle by any chance then it's not enough and you need like an n95 at least if not a gas mask or some shit

  5. Hey James, I'm a loyal sub, but I couldn't even get through this garbage. The pandemic is REAL, and yes masks DO help save lives. Maybe you'll get hit with COVID, or someone dear will, and then you'll change your arrogant attitude about it. Jeez.

  6. Atta boy! You’re awake! You’re not a sheep. Fuck the government. And their plan to take the freedom from the Americans. Dr faucki is a fraud. He contradicts himself. I’ll take my 99.9% survival rate before listening to him. Nice vid James!

  7. I have watched this 6 times in 4 days. It's so funny..very well done James. I'm gonna light up a lieutenant again today …fuck the police. !!! They stole my property and said the cunt that releases the property is on leave for two fuckin months now..I'm sure paid leave…

  8. Oh wow..havent seen anyone trying to wear panties as a mask before xD wonder how that one would go over at the local police station lol

  9. People like you are dangerous because you come up with THEORIES about the government with absolutely nothing to support it!

  10. I love how the southern accent is the defacto go to for stupidity. As a southerner Hollywood has really done a great job at that stereotype. Anyway screw mask mandates!!

  11. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 I love this guy! Not only is he a badass…..he's hilarious! "Covids 1984s" LMAO!!!!

  12. If you don't love James Freeman, then you must be an idiot!!! This was hilariously true! I had to resub to this account because the fact-checkers, Guess my comments(rebuttals) didn't fit the narrative so they deleted my acct. SOAB!

  13. James why are you not selling that mask, You could make a bundle, Hell you could probably sell them used to some people and get more out of them. Lol

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