KENNETH MEAD – ANTI TERRORISM – What do Al’Qaeda, ISIS, and Joshua Martinez have in common? – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


33 thoughts on “KENNETH MEAD – ANTI TERRORISM – What do Al’Qaeda, ISIS, and Joshua Martinez have in common?”
  1. Moral of the story is… don't fuck with law abiding citizens if you're doing illegal activities. We will find out and we will expose you.

  2. Hey @JamesFreeman, get a real job! I've been documenting your methods and the incredibly negative ripple effect your efforts have on American communities. I have downloaded many of your videos, taken screenshots of some of the most violent comments you've evoked (including death threats), and I will continue meticulously documenting the havoc you are causing until I have enough evidence to expose you to the major media outlets for what you are: a profiteering social engineer, feeding off social trends, leveraging hatred and fear to garnish popularity and money.

    I know how to get videos removed from YouTube. In fact, I've successfully had some of yours taken down. I will engineer counter measures to fight the fraud that you produce. Nothing you post won't be monitored, recorded, and analyzed by me and my team. Stop spreading evil. I am serious and committed. This is not a joke.

  3. Bryce cuellar fisherofmen on YouTube ran into him he's pure evil. Why didn't mead stop that terror attack on the country concert where supposedly 50 died..hmmm Thanks for update.

  4. Any auditors in the NY area? Dutchess and ulster counties need some schooling ..they have storm.. I mean state troopers and locals overlapping and it's a real stink fest to say the least.

  5. Here are some Thoughts on Government!
    01. Reduce the Size of Government by 10% a year for the Next 9 Years
    02. End all of the Warmongering around the world
    03. Close 800 Foreign Military Bases
    04. End All the "Aid" to Foreign Countries
    05. Get out of NATO and all Global Political Associations
    06. End all Tariffs and Sanctions, Eliminate the "Tax Code" and Tax everyone and every company at 10% until the National Debt is Paid in Full then cut the rate to 5% (No Exemptions, No Subsidies)
    07. The FED shall be Abolished and the USA will go back on the Gold Standard
    08. Set a term limit of 2 terms in Congress without all of the "Benefits"
    09. Eliminate All the "Bonuses" in Government Employment/Service
    10. Sell Amtrak or Close it
    11. The US Post Office shall NOT receive anymore Government Funding or Government Rules/Regulations
    12. All Federal Laws and Regulations shall be made by Congress (No Government Agency shall make Regulations or Laws)
    13. The Federal Government shall NOT provide Funds to any State (the States shall remain sovereign and Independent without Federal Pressure)
    14. A Federal Criminal LAW shall be enacted with a Mandatory Minimum for the Government Violating a Citizens Civil Rights… 5 Years in Prison and 5M Fine for each rights violation/stacked charge plus all attorney fees and expenses. (This shall apply to all Government)

    I am sure there should be more but this should take care of the vast majority of Federal, State, and Local Government Abuses!

  6. I cant stand the use of law abiding citizen. Consider using Peaceful People or Americans because "laws" are fiction created by government to legitimize the use of force against the peaceful actions of persons. Law Abiding is another way of saying compliant slaves.

  7. The terrorists (de-facto government minions) call the good guys terrorists…This world is completely upside down.

  8. The decline of our country began in 1791, when we borrowed money from the Khazarian mafia to pay off our war debt, in installments, plus interest. Since we went further and further into debt to the K M, they were getting nervous about ever getting paid back, so lawmakers unlawfully passed the ACT of 1871, which essentially transformed our government into a private corporation, for them, and as we continue to borrow more and more money, we continually lose our constitutional rights simultaneously, as witnessed by "United States vs Cruikshank" (1876). This is what is known as a foreign enemy, because they are essentially loan sharks, and will never allow us to repay them, so they steal the United States and begin to transform it into a Marxist regime, little by little, as they have done elsewhere in the world. The big beautiful wall may be designed to keep us in, as prisoners and slaves, while, at this time it is believed it will keep people out. Essentially, they unlawfully bought the USA for five bucks.=== "Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army (police, National Guard), an enslaved press (fake news), and a disarmed populace. JAMES MADISON The call for A DISARMED POPULACE could happen at a moments notice, instead of little by little, as it is today. Keep your powder dry, or buy some knee-pads. The right to bear arms bears ALL OF THE WEIGHT OF THE ENTIRE CONSTITUTION. Protect it with your life, because without it, you won't have A LIFE TO PROTECT.

  9. Imagine if you’re a defendant going into Judge Smith’s courtroom. Here’s a guy that probably thinks law enforcement walks on water and a defendant would get the lousy end of the deal. What a country!!

  10. they put him back in the cage because the judge wanted to put a condition on him that he does not do his activism anymore and he told him basically to f*** off

  11. Okay brother my thinking is Joshua goes in there demands to confront his accuser. Two witnesses are in the court room (that is our job) court ignores him puts him back in jail. Judge commits treason. Affidavits are filed by registered mail into the court record – simply laying out how Joshua demanded to see his accuser and instead was dragged back into a cell – no accuser was even discussed. That's treason. It's about time we started witnessing it for the court record. After that those affidavits have to be answered by someone calling YOU a liar if you were the witness. Well they need to provide evidence you are lying. Good luck with that.

  12. Yo James I just want to thank you a lot for advising me to record cops in your videos.i got pulled over today and if i didn't record him i would had the same charges my friend has when he got pulled over for the same thing but he didn't record the officer and got a misdemeanor. ALWAYS RECORD A COP

  13. I am appalled and scared. If an Joshua can be accused by a national 'expert' on terrorism, Kenneth Mead, then the auditors are in danger. This information will be shared over and over and it wont be long before it will be used on all. What can the auditing community do to prevent this from happening. Scares me. If they can do that to you who go out in auditor what can they do to me a senior who will stand uspfor my rights in my own home?

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