This call was about a man yelling and throwing things in the alley….he was super calm by the time i got there. I’ve seen this homeless man before, he has a mental illness and I’m glad the cops chose not to kid nap him. Officer Brown I have seen MANY time, but apparently even when they shine their high beam spotlight on you, they still can’t see who you are- good to know.
I asked him what the 1st amendment is- I don’t know if he just didn’t understand the questions or if he can’t remember what specifically the 1st amendment is but I will keep asking- one of these cops has to know what they took an oath to protect right?
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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
So officer Brown refuses to explain, even at a basic level what the 1st is? My guess is that he can spell Constitution but doesn't know what the freedoms are that we are supposed to have. What a tool 🔧
look up in the-internet;Joseph Liddo vs supreme court-to see what the courts say about our rights-n-the hogs
love you laura fim those mother f police crooks and dig up the crimes police do
LaurasharkCW jest in chary beck Los Angeles chef charged with blocking the FBI from investigating crimes committed from crooked police officers in the county jail this has ben going on for 1000 years police corruption
good morning laura and foxy
Laura, are you on facebook?
never fear, the LAPD has arrived… (clings together cop lives matter bracelets on each wrist) engage LAPD super power, selective-oath enforcement (clings together cop lives matter bracelets on each wrist)… and so the laws from this day forward shall be selectively enforced… DANGER ALERT! DANGER ALERT! video recording device detected, DEPLOY BRIGHT LIGHT TO BLOCK IT! (clings together cop lives matter bracelets on each wrist)… crisis avertedddddd… lets all stand in a circle and congratulate each other now…
This videographer… Is special. And we ain't seen nothing yet. The very best is yet to come.