LAS VEGAS BLVD The Difference between You and I LVMPD – Everything Law and Order Blog

Not his first Rodeo
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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


33 thoughts on “LAS VEGAS BLVD The Difference between You and I LVMPD”
  1. Laura you obviously have a dislike for police which most of the time come for having a criminal record, but the worse is your attitude and that can land you in bigger trouble with LE when they stop you!
    The guy was cool, he was handcuffed bc he was detained during the investigation, when the officers figured out he had no criminal issues they gave him a ticket and took off the handcuffs, if that was you and your big mouth you would be in bigger trouble!

  2. Why they hand cuffs him for officers safety number one number it doesn't matter what color he is this kid needs a good ass kicking the cops where body cameras on them he needs go back to home where he is from i hand cuffed a guy last night at work for doing a unruly act in a state park bathroom had him ran for wornts out for him at all no he got charged of sex a finder crime

  3. FYI the LVPD wear body cameras. They have their own channel that ROCKS! You should check it out. Thank God the cops are around to protect us!

  4. This is some funny shit. You have zero idea why these officers stopped this individual. You don’t know if he had warrants or was a wanted suspect. You don’t know if the officers responded to call and this vehicle fit the description. You have zero idea why he was stopped unless you ran him yourself through NCIC and know something we don’t. But that’s not the case here. You have every right to record the police I have zero problem with that. But in the end you don’t have a clue what this stop was about.

    And yes you’re definitely the kind of person who would call these very same police officers to save your ass if you were ever in trouble. You of course will deny it but anyone with half a brain knows you’re full of shit.

    I’ll make sure if I ever see your sorry ass out on the strip I stop to have a little talk with you. I would love to hear what your malfunction is.

  5. My guess is this guy has a extensive list of priors probably on either parole or probation, perhaps he has warrants.

  6. I want to become a street cop just so I can annoy the shit out of you by smiling while doing my job. Lmao how miserable are you lady?
    Judging people based on their uniform instead of individuality. If the cops a dick..fine, but why that negative attitude towards all? Makes no sense.

  7. Go BACK to California you dolt. Standing and wasting your time for a routine traffic stop, that you think is a huge conspiracy is moronic! All the tricks the police use, it appears that sending someone on their way is a real Houdini trick. Find something more useful with your time, like cleaning your room in your moms basement.

  8. Be careful… you'll notice there are NOT many or ANY "cop watchers" in Las Vegas. That's because they arrest everyone! Thanks for all you do! And Tom Zebra is the man!

  9. Wow talk about the most annoying commentary ever. God you’re obnoxious thinking you’re a big bad wolf. Hope I never run across one of your videos again.

  10. One critique: too many swish sounds when you edit. C'mon rookie, it sounds like a Kung Fu movie

  11. I know at least in IL if you're on parole cops can search your car and person with no justification other than that you're on parole.

  12. Why don't they call whole force for one black guy. Attention officers we have a black suspect in cuffs come quick if you want to get in on the beating!!!!!!

  13. Oh that foil cap is sending you a vibe oh everybody is a dumb ass to you. You are such a turd……… give the police was too much credit trained to manipulate the conversation. That foil cap is way too tight. Your a critic of everything………I must say your my hero.

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