Lieutenant DISMISSED after he can’t comprehend the law – public record violation! – Everything Law and Order Blog

A man turned in a bicycle registration, other than being obnoxious to me with being loud where I couldn’t hear the person I was talking to he proclaimed that his information is not to be released because he’s one of those exempt from the statute.

Now this is one of the most frustrating public records request I’ve done. Other than Miramar Florida this one tops it.

I said more time’s Than I can count when it’s done.

Ps. Don’t send a supervisor if he’s not skilled in public records.

Do not ask for the reason why they want the record

Do not force someone to fill a form
Out. D

Didn’t they watch the training video?

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on “Lieutenant DISMISSED after he can’t comprehend the law – public record violation!”
  1. The only thing the LT needs to do is to know the law and uphold it. In stead of knowing the law he gets his pantie's in a bind.
    Are cops thought the law any more?

  2. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever talk to the blue lying piggies, unless you want covered in piggy jiss!

    You just got covered!

    Ftp everytime.

  3. Copsplaining at it's finest, just how much pig shite can actually spew from a blue lying piggie's pie hole anyways, FTP everytime!

  4. I don't think you will get that email, that dude was totally clueless what to do with the piece of paper you gave him.

  5. Sometimes i can't finish these audits it's so frustrating to watch how stupid people can be cops.. unbelievable

  6. He threw your request away, and why do tyrants like the lt. become lts. I suppose he does whatever they tell him to do like a good slave does. We are fighting to be free, the lt is a good slave and doesn't even know it, what a moron, loser.

  7. Bad audit. He explained to you that the document is not subject to public records request until it meets the criteria of being fully processed.

    You usually do a great job but you were just badgering this guy because you obviously had an ax to grind.

    This is beneath you. Do better 👍

  8. Why do dishonest people fight like the devil to remain dishonest? That's what we just witnessed here from both cops.

  9. Police suffer from selective stupid. (I think, between you , me and a fence post , "How to confuse and double talk" must be one of the first lessons at police playgroup!

  10. So many lies and cannot do their job. What is wrong with these people? There is that stupid blueline on our flag three times. Tyrants.

  11. dude idk how you didn’t lose it with his fucking keys slapping against his leg, he couldn’t believe a fucking citizen is following the correct procedure because they were unaware of their own procedures

  12. stupid cop b***** they must have been covering for somebody but James you did a good job like always stay calm and expose the stupid lieutenant

  13. How does he find the police station each day? It doesn't seem possible that he could sustain a job with that low of an IQ.

  14. Did you see the change of attitude when you gave him the respect and called him LT….? Attempted to run roughshod and climb the victory hill….silly lad.

  15. Give em hell bro!! Love this channel because of the way you handle things. I don't have the patience…lol.

  16. did he pass exams to get to be an lieutenant or is he married to the chief's daughter and daddy helps his little princess by giving her hubby a job where he is not in any danger behind locked doors watching netflix all day obviously the desk jockey forgot and called him to do a particularly difficult mind task, i blame the desk jockey for calling him in the first instance against standing orders to leave him alone to enjoy netflix

  17. So how many times did you facepalm yourself watching this one?..I stopped counting at 6..this guy just did not get it and never will..

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