Looks like a DUCK acts like a DUCK Must be a COP 🙊😝 – Everything Law and Order Blog

This is Sgt Wilkins with Compton USD Police Department.
He was nice, and he was almost too honest. He spoke words I hear so many cops say, textbook lines, nothing real, nothing genuine.
We have always known, police protect their own but also destroy their own. They are a gang, with many names. And we are the innocent bystanders forced to be ruled by criminals of the govt. There are no ‘good’ officers, because the ‘bad’ ones dont let them speak.
BTW: THAT BIT IN THE END, IS KIND OF A JOKE. MY VIDEO WOULD BE DEMONETIZED if i ‘glorified’ any drug content, so never mind what I say, just thought it was funny to see a plant growing all random out in the open like it is
Check out Sip Canseeahigherpower link at the end of my video, he records compton sheriff.

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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxwr76XajtWE7WZarFawaUA), the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Looks like a DUCK acts like a DUCK Must be a COP 🙊😝”
  1. This cop Should plead the fifth, have the right to remain silent.👮🏾‍♀️

  2. In reality cops are evil cowereds and they are the enemy of the people. Cops don't deserve to live with the rest of us.

  3. Don't ever trust cops they are not there to protect. Cops will destroy your hole family and your life if you trust them. Cops are the enemy of the people and of freedom and liberty.

  4. "…but when they need our help…?
    So what this pig and many other swine is saying is his oath to do his duty is negotiable.
    We really don't need your help when you only show up after the crime and is more than likely to criminalize or kill the victim who called for service.

  5. Too much bullshit coming out of his mouth!
    Diarrhea of the mouth! When you have to justify everything it’s fake like the person talking! Jive ass Pig 🐷!

  6. This pig is so dam ridiculous!!!!!!Lapd pigs don’t call school police real piggies.There all just glorified hall monitors but school police is not real cops and they know it.Even this so called real pig knows deep down he isn’t a real pig.Hes turkey bacon,And he will go his whole career in the welfare system not helping a single sole but just surf the web all day long and get paid for it

  7. I thought you were going to be a good Channel to watch Your a Softie you talk Big when your Away from the Cops But when your Around them you Suck up to them. They know your Scared of them and that will be your Downfall. Your NOT Tough Enough for what Your TRYING to Do That's why for 3 years NOW you've been saying the Same thing Over and Over. If you Haven't Gotten any Tougher or Wiser by Now Your Not Going to. Your Not even Tough Enough to handle the Complaints that You file Against Cops and See them thru. If You Can't CUT the Mustard get off the street girl. These Cops are Laughing at you Don't you Know that. And you start talking about a story then you stop then you start again. You're just not CUT OUT for this type of stuff. Those Cops Don't have Any Authority over you But when you Back Down or Give Them the Authority then They DO Cause they can ONLY Take What You Let Them Have. If you can't RUN With the BIG Dogs STAY On The PORCH.

  8. What this cop said explains the problem. Even if there are only a few "Bad" Cops, it doesn't matter. None of the so called "Good" Cops will do anything to stop the bad ones, for fear of being ostracized by all of the other cops. So citizens can't rely on ANY cop to do the Right Thing.

  9. Guy seems more reasonable than most, but comparing policemen to gang members sets a conveniently low bar.

  10. Can civilians say" I'm going to do all I can to make sure I go home safe"? Cops live by different laws than we do.

  11. Bs how many cops you put in jail ? What about if another cop has a knee on someone’s neck. My family member puts a knee on someone’s neck I’ll make them stop. Clean up your department or quit. We are waiting,have been waiting to long for you to stand up. Now get the fuck out.

  12. …police enforce the laws made up by politicians… and politicians are sketchy af… ..and if you dont believe that politicians are sketchy then you are a part of the problem… no one should have to live under a law that some sketchy jerk in a suit and tie made up… …just suppose me and my buddies made up some jerky law for you to live by and then we hired some other jerky friend's with guns to make you abide by it or else we shoot you or throw you in jail…. fuck that…. it's the same damn thing.

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