Lost Engagement Ring Gets Woman Arrested at Airport

Lost Engagement Ring Gets Woman Arrested at Airport

@Copwatchtv obtained body camera footage of the Albuquerque Aviation Police Department encountering a woman who lost a $3,000 ring before her flight.

She claims to have lost the ring in an airport bathroom and TSA agents would not allow her to go retrieve it in time for her to make the flight. The woman stayed at the airport for more than 3 plus hours before she was eventually arrested for criminal trespass.

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.


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30 thoughts on “Lost Engagement Ring Gets Woman Arrested at Airport

  1. I'm sure that the ring, if there was one, was in her bag all along, but she couldn't accept the blame. Also, if she has more money than the entire airport, why would a $3k loss be such a big deal. Just a drunken drama queen.

  2. This is why airlines are starting to enforce dress codes. Spirit's new rules state that "passengers may not be allowed to board if they are barefoot, 'inadequately clothed' or have clothing or tattoos that are 'lewd, obscene or offensive.' If a passenger is barred from the plane for violating the new dress code, the contract states that they aren’t entitled to a flight refund."

  3. We used to get dressed up for air travel. Now people have gone to the other extreme. And she's traveling for business?? 😮 It's no wonder airlines are enforcing new dress codes.

  4. She’s the one who left her ring in the bathroom it’s nobody else’s fault!! She needs to go look for the ring herself the airport staff isn’t responsible to look for her ring!! The cop was very patient & sweet. She brags about having millions of dollars, but her engagement ring is only $3,000?!? I mean that’s a lot of money to me, but for someone who supposedly has millions of dollars that’s nothing!! Why doesn’t she have insurance on it?? She acts like a spoiled brat blaming everyone else when she’s the jackass that lost it!!

  5. If she was flying somewhere where is her luggage??! Her whole situation is really odd? She lost her ring she found her ring she lost her ring wtf??!! And what’s with emptying her big pink bag and refilling it 50 times??!! She’s a very exhausting person!! That poor officer was so calm and respectful he must have to deal with someone like her in his personal life…just a thought…

  6. This lady is constantly digging around in her purse and pouring things out and rattling on and on I'm pretty sure she has got some serious mental issues going on, every single thing in the world wrong is not her fault but someone else's. I hope she has people looking out for her because she needs supervision.

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