More Bad News! Joshua Martinez ALSO arrested in Vegas. – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


33 thoughts on “More Bad News! Joshua Martinez ALSO arrested in Vegas.”
  1. She knows that if he knows the city is the victim he can subpoena the victim and once the victim doesn't show up dismissed ..

  2. Has anyone every made a case that involves drug testing all participants in a legal case they force the suspect to urine analysis. That includes anyone who laid hands on your case, ect.

  3. Some where he went that day had to have camera's.If he stopped at a store or anywhere in public i'm sure theres video of him with the gun in plane sight some where just before the officer's stopped him.Does not surprise me that the whole system would lie

  4. Oh, geez…. James, I been watching for a long time. But you now look so fukin goofy with the chin beard and bald head. Unwatchable.

  5. Hello brother From Ga. I hope all is well in life for you. Hey "Wheres Loganville" I got a notification then I got my ass handed back to me then acronym showed up and I don't remember what I happened but I had a good night sleep and now I think everything is OK as far as I remember. One love one God.

  6. Upload some alternatives to going /VK in Vegas and we can start pushing out to all: and let the people speak by Peaceful and Legal Actions.

  7. That Judge is a worthless scumbag and also worthless judge. Anyone can be a better judge than her. I would not surprise she is part of the mob or devil worshipper.

  8. Hey @JamesFreeman, I've been documenting your methods and the incredibly negative ripple effect your efforts have on American communities. I have downloaded many of your videos, taken screenshots of some of the most violent comments you've evoked (including death threats), and I will continue meticulously documenting the havoc you are causing until I have enough evidence to expose you to the major media outlets for what you are: a profiteering social engineer, feeding off social trends, leveraging hatred and fear to garnish popularity and money.

    I know how to get videos removed from YouTube. In fact, I've successfully had some of yours taken down. I will engineer counter measures to fight the fraud that you produce. Everything you post will be monitored, recorded, and analyzed by me and my team. Stop spreading evil. I am serious and committed. This is for real.

  9. There should be cash in the bank to take care of this crap when it happens. Eventually it will, these people need to own their crap and stop asking for money. This is getting old, people are waking up to this BS

  10. Is it really that hard for so-called auditors to obey simple laws?
    I have seem people accidentally shoot themselves in the foot, but not over and over with consistency.

  11. I have no problem with you stopping the video to interject your remarks. But would you PLEASE STOP backing it up and playing it over and over?

  12. The judge is correct, the conquering forces are in charge of the courtroom.  The previous generations fell asleep & allowed the FOREIGN forces to take over every position of power where they could, over time, install everything & everyone they need to make their takeover generational, complete, permanent & unstoppable.  The people have every right to march in there & arrest EVERYONE working in that building.  Need proof?  YELLOW FRINGE around the flag, "the constitution does not apply in MY courtroom"!!!!  TREASON!!  You have ONLY 2 choices left, well 3,… you can go to the Provost Marshall of the Navy or Marines, with all your evidence, & have them conduct the arrests under U. S. Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 13, SS 241 & 242 OR, you can gather up enough people & arrest them yourselves OR, you can admit defeat & accept your country has been conquered.  Sorry, but if you're not licking the boots, in ANY situation involving government, you will be punished, somehow because, your country is under FOREIGN OCCUPATION & ALL government workers are FOREIGN AGENTS for a FOREIGN occupation force.  Our few, far between & small victories are meaningless to these FORCES.  Like it or not, believe it or not, accept it or not, it makes no difference, it is the TRUTH.  Arguing in their courtroom will accomplish NOTHING.  We're well beyond that.

  13. The sad thing is; you all will disappear, the Cops know, that you all don't have the money to fight all the false charges they can bring..
    When they have you all in jail/prison, they can go back to being the thugs/criminals they are..

  14. You seem to be the quietest Youtuber. Your recent videos are almost unwatchable audibly speaking.

  15. The judge is in charge of the courtroom. Remember, however, you are in charge of your own case. I was once thrown in jail for three days for direct/summary contempt, and I wasn't given a chance to apologize, although I doubt if I would have because I wasn't "in contempt." I filed for a common law writ of certiorari, and lost. I appealed and my "contempt" was vacated by the court of appeal.

  16. Thank you for shining some light on this freedom fighter! He is a beast for Liberty! I have watched his vids more than once because he speaks so that even simple minds like mine can understand the TRUE meaning of the constitution.

  17. when you say "you" you mean me? the city is making allegations against me? when can i speak to city to help honorably settle the alleged matter? stay on point with all the judges answers. be asking! Mr. Martineze? Sir? Can ya call me Josh? Ask the right questions to the judge and judge will accuse herself on the record!

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