My view on the unlawful arrest…detention on port st Lucie officer open carry violation

My view on the unlawful arrest…detention on port st Lucie officer open carry violation

Soloyaker original video:

#unlawfulsearch #unlawfuldetainment

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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20 thoughts on “My view on the unlawful arrest…detention on port st Lucie officer open carry violation

  1. “U mean I gotta read a paragraph? Sigh. Your going make me work too hard for this!” She’s probably been promoted since then

  2. When cops think they are the only ones who can carry a gun they have become the enemy to our freedom and need to be taken out.fired or firing squad needs to be the law.i say the death penalty for violating our rights would put a stop to this kind of tyrranical crap.

  3. I do not consent ?Why in the fuck do you all say that you do it while your having the thing your protesting done to you and the police never say "oh dear we are sorry you can leave now".

  4. . Hopefully after more of these videos get posted they’ll have to start teaching these stupid Fucking cops the law before they send them out on the streets.

  5. Watching videos like this helps clarify that I don't have the temperament and composure for this.
    If a cop began shushing me while citing the law AND "OKing" me when informing him that I do NOT consent to MY VIDEO RECORDER being seized and the recording terminated, I'd knock him TF OUT!!!

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