Off Duty Female State Cop Goes Nuts on Cops

Off Duty Female State Cop Goes Nuts on Cops

@Copwatchtv obtained body camera footage off an off-duty New Mexico State Police (NMSP) officer being arrested for aggravated DWI

According to the criminal complaint, an on-duty deputy with the Sheriff’s Office first took note of a vehicle around 11 p.m. While the deputy was following the vehicle, it nearly rear-ended another car at a red light, drove over a sidewalk, almost struck a light pole, and hit multiple curbs, popping both of her car’s right-side tires.

The off duty state police officer was trying to call her sergeant during the confrontation but was eventually taken into custody.

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.


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27 thoughts on “Off Duty Female State Cop Goes Nuts on Cops

  1. Another drunk as a skunk officer, thinking she's above the law. Once you're caught by an on-duty officer, what can you possibly gain by resisting! Seeing how she resigned anyhow, the resisting after being pulled over seems a moot point. I've been wasted many times over the years, when i had no intention of getting loaded and have called for a ride, there is no excuse. I don't know it to be a fact, but couldn't she have called a fellow officer and maybe gotten a ride? You always hear about the blue line and officers helping their fellow officers, even if it IS a bad thing that an officer has to be an uber (which is NOT their job), it's far more likely she'd get someone to drive her.

  2. You know what so ironic about the whole thing and videos like this?.

    How many people has she pulled over for DWI?
    How many people has she made feel bad for doing such?
    And how many people has she gave tickets to and took to jail and met her little quota for the same situations?

    Oh how the tables have turned Mr powers! 😈😈😂

  3. In the Law Enforcement world, State Police are notorious for never cutting off-duty officers slack. They are also usually the ones to investigate Police and Deputies to avoid a conflict of interest and often bring charges against them. I imagine that is why there is no special treatment. lol

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