Officer Gonzales Caught With His Hand In The Cookie Jar! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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James Freeman does first amendment audits, cop watching, cop blocking, and more. Since Live PD and Cops was cancelled, James Freeman does LIVE STREAMING COP WATCHES. It’s like Live PD, except actually live, and without the “cops can do no wrong” bias.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


36 thoughts on “Officer Gonzales Caught With His Hand In The Cookie Jar!”
  1. When ever they give you the "it was a consensual search" you know it's bs … when they ask you they don't ask a question… they tell you as if you didn't have a choice… on top of that wtf was the reason for the stop? …

  2. Funny how the same logic doesn't seem to hold water for him. Typical. Another one of the "just a few" bad cops that ignore the laws and Constitution.

  3. I used legal shield/Prepaid legal in the past. Got me out of several tickets for speeding. Other than traffic tickets, they didn't provide much than that. But it's been a while since that last time I used them.

  4. You did start the video with your innuendo’s. This officer did nothing wrong. You see you have no idea why he is talking to this man. And if I were this officer I would of placed you in cuffs for impending my investigation. You sir are a ass-hole.

  5. Legal shield is trash. I paid $50 a month for their service, andthen when I needed them, they refuse to handle a traffic ticket. Garbage bro.

  6. I'm glad certain states are moving to decriminalize (not legalize) all drug possession (not distribution and sales) by individuals. That will stop a huge bunch of graft and corruption by pretty much all police departments. I think Oregon just gives drug holders a ticket and they have to follow up with social services.

  7. Teach your kids their rights folks. The vast majority are vulnerable to these thugs who will try to intimidate them, every single time, so give the kids something to defend themselves with.

  8. Why is the cop not getting the irony and not getting the message that what he did was wrong I mean why do cops jeopardize their careers by lying and searching people without any consent and if he did not get consent which according to this video he did not get consent because if he had gotten consent he would have searched the bag took more time but he got afraid when he saw the camera out so that implies that he did not get consent because he thought the guy with the camera was going to get an answer which he never did from the citizen and the question would have been did you consent to the search and he probably would have told no I did not because of the cops actions you can imply that he was lying so not only did he violate this man's Fourth amendment right he also made a false statement and lied as a police officer which is immoral unethical and sickening behavior because this cop has to testify in court I wish the guy with a camera would have really press the man with a backpack if he had gave consent instead of asking the officer I just wish you would have asked the guy more and really caught this cop in a lie and the violation of his fourth amendment rights

  9. James, you're all right, man! I like the way you do things. And thanks for the legal reference to a lawyer. I notice that on some videos that First Amendment Auditors are calling their lawyers. And it scares the crap out of these bad cops!

  10. I love that "if u got nothing to hide, leme check you" That's their favorite, "if you got nothing to hide, then u shud just do wat i say"

  11. It's very possible the guy was on parole or probation. And neither of them wanted to give you that information. Did you ever think of that? The guy could have been a sexual predator which means he has to consent to searches. Maybe he didn't want the world seeing that. It's one thing the video record police interactions that's another to get into people's business.

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